Monday, January 4, 2016


Image by Nick-Ian on DeviantArt
Elemental Power: Memory    
Weapon: --
Trained Under: Marluxia

    Naminé is a non-numbered member of Organization XIII, joining only a day before the record-breaking Fangirl swarm that wiped the island town of Innenjima off the map began.  Unlike the vast majority of the Organization's ranks, she has been designated a "non-combat member" due to her lack of fighting ability, made even more of a problem by her inability to summon a weapon even with the aid of a Zero Gear.  Despite not being able to go out and exterminate Fangirls like the others, Naminé still aids the Organization in her own unique way, often being assigned to operate the Fangirl Detection System and being able to reverse any memory-altering effects that other members may fall victim to.

    She is one of the Organization's youngest members -- roughly the same age as Roxas and Xion, fifteen years of age as of the later months of 2006 -- and is rather small in all proportions, with fairly pale skin and blonde hair.  Due to her status as a designated non-combat member, she is not required to wear any of the Organization's uniform and instead generally wears a plain white dress and sandals, only donning the familiar black cloak, gloves, and boots when going outside in the cold.

    Due to her non-combat status, Naminé's relationship with the Organization is a bit different than that of other members, but she is dedicated to helping fight the Fangirls as best she can in spite of her lack of strength.  She is usually fairly quiet, preferring to sit and focus on her work (or on her drawings, if she isn't busy with Organization duties) rather than chattering away even when others are present.  She feels protective toward her friends and fellow Organization members, often worrying about their chances of returning safely from especially dangerous missions, but generally feels like she has no way to help them.  Among her fellow Organization members, she has grown closest to Roxas (perhaps due in part to the fact that his memory loss means that she can look into his eyes without being swamped with a clutter of past events every time) and Marluxia (who was responsible for training her when she first joins, and now acts as a sort of caretaker for her.)


Watch this space -- more information is coming soon!

Powers and abilities

Strength: 1/10        
Speed: 2/10    
Endurance: 1.5/10          
Mastery of Powers: 10/10                        
Combat Skill: 2/10                 
Defense: 1/10        

    Naminé's elemental power is that of Memory, making it possible for her to glimpse into one's memories simply by looking into their eyes for even the briefest moment and then, if she so wishes, rearranging and altering those memories in any way she desires.  Her only means of using these abilities in combat is to shut off an opponent's ability to form new memories altogether for a moment, causing normal beings to fall unconscious (and perhaps remain so for an extended period of time similar to a coma) and Fangirls to freeze in place at first and then shatter almost instantly afterward.  The effectiveness of this ability decreases quite a bit against stronger opponents; while she is capable of shattering weak Fangirls and causing someone in the range of a typical non-numbered member to pass out for a length of time, attempting to do so against someone as powerful as Marluxia would likely only cause him to faint for a matter of seconds before recovering.  Her power over memories also makes it easy for her to determine when someone's memory has been altered, with missing memories appearing like an unnatural blank space to her while those that have been implanted artificially come across as jagged around the edges and not fitting correctly with the rest.

    As an unusual side-effect of her powers, Naminé's own memory has been boosted such that she remembers things in abnormally precise detail, making it possible for her to draw perfectly accurate depictions of things she has seen for even a moment without much difficulty.  Oddly enough, she is not immune to the memory-altering powers of others with such abilities, making her one of the few exceptions to the "unaffected by their own element" rule that applies to the vast majority of Organization members.  However, if her memories are tampered with, she will know right away and -- if given enough time -- will be able return them to normal with little difficulty.

    Contributing to her status as a non-combat member is her lack of any weapon; even after Zero Gear training, she was incapable of calling forth anything no matter how hard she tried.  In an attempt to make up for this deficiency, Marluxia has taught her some basic martial-arts skills, and by the standards of an ordinary 15-year-old girl she would indeed by rather impressive -- her physical strength is on par with an average adult, and her speed, endurance, and especially skill are all significantly above that point of comparison.  Unfortunately, Naminé is just not cut out for serious combat on an above-human level, and even after training she would probably have difficulty confronting even an average Glomper Fangirl without making use of her memory-wiping powers to remove her opponent from the fight instantly.

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