
Fangirls are creatures born from unhealthy degrees of obsession, particularly obsessing over a specific person (often, but not always, a fictional character or celebrity) or that person's relationships.  Though since the 1980s they are most commonly created due to exposure to Fangirlish ways of thinking through the Internet, this was not always the case, and Fangirl transformations have been known to occur as far back as the mid-1950s.  While the Fangirlizations of the past mostly consisted of a single individual transforming at a concert or some other major event, modern-day Fangirls have gained the ability to transport themselves through Internet connections and will enter the Internet after their transformation is complete, returning later as part of a swarm.  Swarms can be as small as a dozen individuals or they can consist of hundreds of Fangirls, with the amount appearing at any given time seeming to be mostly random.

Fangirl powers

All Fangirls have some degree of unusual powers, with all but the absolute weakest being significantly stronger than an ordinary human (even a mere Glomper takes multiple shots from standard police-grade weaponry to put down, and they have been gradually growing stronger over the past few years, to the point where even specialized anti-Fangirl ammunition fired from point-blank range is no longer enough to finish off a weak Fangirl in a single shot.)  Every Fangirl is capable of transporting itself from place to place using any Internet connection, entering the screen of a phone or computer through a swirling portal that appears on its surface and vanishing into the depths of the Internet through it.  They are also capable of communicating with other Fangirls through the hivemind, an ability which is usually used to gather swarms together as well as to receive orders from the Fangirl Queen or other high-level Fangirl entities.

Many Fangirls are capable of sprouting sharp claws from their fingers and draining the energy from their victims by touch; individual Fangirl types may also have other powers in addition to (or instead of) these, which are detailed in the listing of Fangirl types below.

The Fangirlization process

Fangirlization happens in several stages, and in the earliest stages a soon-to-be Fangirl is indistinguishable from an ordinary person.  If things never advance beyond those early stages, it's possible that true Fangirlization (and the inhuman transformation that comes with it) will never occur; in many cases, however, reaching the early stages will only speed up the process.  An individual moves closer and closer to Fangirlism as more and more of their life is taken up by their obsession, with modern early-stage Fangirls often holing themselves up in their rooms in front of their computers for hours or even days on end.  After spending multiple days without eating or sleeping in order to read, write, or comment on fanfiction (or whatever other form their obsession happens to take), the person will lose consciousness, slumping forward and planting their face on their keyboard in many Internet-related cases.  In Fangirlization situations occurring before the Internet was widespread, they would often end up passing out and falling onto the ground instead.

It is at this point that true Fangirlization begins.  The first thing that happens is that nearly all of the individual's memories of their previous life are completely erased; only Fangirlism remains.  If someone is disconnected from the Internet at this stage of the process, they will still gain Fangirl-type powers (such as moving through the Internet and draining energy by touch) but will never fully connect with the Fangirl hivemind or undergo a physical transformation -- people who are disconnected in this way are sometimes referred to as "incomplete Fangirls," though they are much closer to being normal people than they are to Fangirls.  If not interrupted, however, the next stage of Fangirlization begins and the individual's entire personality is rewritten from the ground up, replaced with an exaggerated caricature of the Fangirlish obsessions that brought them to this state.  They link with the Fangirl hivemind, permanently shifting their mindset toward Fangirlism and making it possible for the Fangirl Queen to control them directly if needed.  Finally, with a glow of neon green from all over their body, they make the physical  transformation into a Fangirl entity and the Fangirlization process is complete.

Fangirl types

  •  Basic Fangirls
    • Nooblet Fangirl: Worm-like creatures with the heads of a typical Fangirl, Nooblets are the weakest of all Fangirls (often having a Fangirlism Level of only 2 or 3) and are also known as "Fangirl spawn."  Though very young or weak individuals undergoing Fangirlization can occasionally become Nooblets, they are usually the result of a Preggo Fangirl hitting someone with their pregnancy-inducing eye beam.  They attack by wrapping themselves around their target and draining their energy.
    • Glomper Fangirl: The most common variety of Fangirl, most swarms consist of a large number of Glompers and only a handful of other types.  They resemble disproportionate little girls with freakishly long arms, which they use to wrap their victims in sudden hugs to drain their energy.
    • Stalker Fangirl: An uncommon Fangirl which carries a large cardboard box with it, which it uses to hide from opponents and sneak up on its victims.  Stalkers remain hidden in their boxes until they get close, scooting around while completely concealed in hopes that they will remain unnoticed.  When attacking, they swipe at their victims with their claws or latch on for life-draining hugs like a Glomper, sometimes going so far as to hump their victim's leg in the process.
    • Hyper Fangirl: While looking similar to a Glomper but a bit taller and less disproportionate, Hyper Fangirls are much more dangerous -- they are known for their speed, and will attack by literally bouncing off the walls in order to tackle their opponents.
    • Squealer Fangirl: Squealers are a slightly more dangerous sort of Fangirl which attacks by screaming, amplifying their voices to a degree where a high-pitched Fangirlish shriek can send even a stronger-than-usual person flying.
    • Flamer Fangirl: Another dangerous Fangirl, Flamers are perpetually angry and attack by flinging fireballs at their targets.  At close range they can also slash with their claws, though they prefer to stay at a distance.
  • Transforming Fangirls
    • De-Ager Fangirl: Carrying a pacifier and wearing a diaper, De-Ager Fangirls appear to be disguising themselves as babies for some bizarre reason despite being closer in size to pre-teen girls.  Their pacifier is their weapon, capable of firing beams which will reduce the age of anyone struck by them -- turning old men into twenty-somethings, twenty-somethings into teenagers, and teenagers into younger children.
    • Yaoinator Fangirl: A powerful Fangirl type which obsesses over the relationships of homosexual men.  They carry flags, often emblazoned with numbers matching those of the Organization members that they believe should be paired up with each other.  Yaoinators, being unhealthily obsessed like other Fangirls, disregard the actual sexuality of their victims -- rather than simply playing matchmaker, they wave their flags in their victim's direction and unleash a swirling beam of purple energy which will cause straight men to fall under their spell, entering a brainwashed state in which they will immediately start a zombie-like shuffle toward the nearest available male and attempt to snuggle or make out with them.  Multiple Yaoinators will often disagree on who to pair up their victims with, sometimes resulting in a back-and-forth firing of these flag beams that send their target shambling toward one person, turning around and heading toward someone else, and so on.
    • Homophobia Fangirl: The inverse of the Yaoinator Fangirl, Homophobia Fangirls believe that no homosexual relationships should exist -- and their powers are capable of enforcing that, magically making gay men straight so long as they remain under the Fangirl's spell.
    • Shifter Fangirl: Obsessed with how certain individuals compare in terms of strength, Shifter Fangirls are capable of altering their victims' power levels to match their own twisted perception -- for example, making Xaldin weaker than Zexion -- simply by making a thumbs-down (or thumbs-up, depending on whether they have a negative or positive impression of their power) in their victim's direction.  Their faces are composed of the symbols "8)", giving the impression that they are wearing glasses.
    • Gender-Bender Fangirl: A Fangirl with the ability to transform its victims from male to female, or vice versa.  Though not particularly dangerous compared to most other transforming-type Fangirls (simply giving someone a magic sex-change is not going to affect their ability to fight and destroy the Fangirl), their presence can be traumatizing to some individuals.
    • Preggo Fangirl: One of the most disturbing Fangirl types, Preggo Fangirls have enormous bellies with a glowing white eye where their navel should be.  When they lift their shirts to reveal the eye, it will glow red and fire a beam of energy that induces pregnancy in whoever it hits -- and if one of their victims gives birth (which happens in a matter of minutes after being affected), the result is not a normal baby but a brood of Fangirl spawn.
    • Vampire Fangirl: A powerful Fangirl variety, Vampire Fangirls wear long black capes and have the ability to teleport from place to place in a puff of smoke by wrapping their capes around themselves... though this power does not work if the cape has been damaged in battle.  By biting a victim, they cause that person to believe they have become a vampire, giving them enhanced strength and an uncontrollable urge to indulge in stereotypical vampire behaviors such as hissing and biting people's necks.
    • Cracky Fangirl: A strange and dangerous Fangirl type, the Cracky Fangirl is capable of transforming things in a variety of bizarre ways.  When fighting members of the Organization, the ripples of energy put off by Cracky Fangirls generally affect their weapons, changing them into a harmless form -- for example, turning Zexion's lexicon into an oversized sandwich or Axel's chakrams into pizzas.  They are also capable of changing their victims' clothes and even changing auras of energy into something that cannot hurt them, such as Jell-O.
  • Personality-Altering Fangirls
    • Slutter Fangirl: Similar to a Yaoinator but without the focus on gay men, Slutter Fangirls are obsessed with making as much sex happen around them as possible, taking control of their victims' minds and directing them to pair up with whoever happens to be nearby regardless of whether they would normally be attracted to that person or not.  Slutters cannot alter the orientation of their victims the way Yaoinator and Homophobia Fangirls can, however.
    • Pedophilia Fangirl: Looking like a little girl carrying an oversized lollipop, Pedophilia Fangirls are -- as their name suggests -- capable of inducing strong tendencies toward pedophilia in their victims.  Those affected will go into a zombie-like trance and attempt to molest the nearest child (or very young teenager, if a prepubescent child is not present), not stopping until they are snapped out of it or the Fangirl is destroyed.
    • Dumbdown Fangirl: A variety of Fangirl that can affect its victims' intelligence, Dumbdown Fangirls often believe that certain individuals are far dumber than they actually are and seek to make reality match up with their expectations by reducing those it dislikes to bumbling morons.
    • Creepy Fangirl: A variety of Fangirl that subtly (or sometimes not-so-subtly) alters the behavior of its victims, putting a "creepiness filter" on them which induces various "creepy" mannerisms and speech patterns, much like the way that various works of fiction depict certain characters as being much more creepy when they're cast as villains than when they later are on the side of the hero (even though their actual personality has not changed one bit.)
    • Emo Fangirl: A Fangirl which induces stereotypical depressed or "emo" behavior in its victims, including but not limited to whining, sitting around and listening to emo music for hours on end, dying their hair black or various odd colors, and attempting to slit their wrists (usually poorly, causing little more than surface-level scratches.)
    • OOC Fangirl: Perhaps the strongest of the personality-altering Fangirls, the OOC (or "Out-of-Character") Fangirl is capable of causing massive changes to its victims' personalities, often making them seem like a completely different person who only looks the same.
  • Reality-Altering Fangirls
    • Highschooler Fangirl: Fangirls which appear wearing Japanese schoolgirl uniforms, Highschoolers have the power to alter their surroundings to resemble a high school -- including putting victims in school uniforms, transforming buildings into schools, and even assigning people to various positions (students, teachers, principal, janitors, etc.)  While weak examples of this type merely create the illusion of a high school, stronger ones actually warp their surroundings to physically change into one; a high-level variant of this type was even able to rewrite its victims' memories so that they actually believed they were high school students.
    • Crossover Fangirl: Potentially the most dangerous of ordinary Fangirls, the Crossover type is capable of summoning forth copies of various fictional creatures -- from those as weak as unevolved Pokémon all the way up to superhuman martial artists and monsters which may actually be a threat to Fangirl-fighters such as the Organization.  The strength of the fictional beings that a Crossover Fangirl can create depends on the Fangirlism Level of the Fangirl, however, so there is a limit to their abilities -- one cannot simply generate a copy of someone as insanely powerful as Majin Buu to destroy the world, for example, as such a being would require a Fangirl millions of times stronger than even the Fangirl Queen herself.
  • Uber-FangirlsA group of abnormally-powerful Fangirls born from points of concentrated Fangirlism within the Internet rather than transforming from normal people, they are closer to the nature of the Fangirl Queen herself than to an ordinary Fangirl.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Incomplete Fangirl: A person who had begun Fangirlization but was thoroughly disconnected from the source of obsession before the process could finish, Incomplete Fangirls are essentially normal people who have gained the powers of a Fangirl, but lost all memory of their previous life (including even their name) in exchange.  The only known example of this type is Xion, the result of Organization XIII's "Fangirl Disconnection Project."
    • Fangirl Queen: The mastermind behind Fangirls as they currently exist, she dwells in the center of the Internet and issues commands to lesser Fangirls which they obey without question.  She is terrifyingly powerful, and even when possessing another person's body (which limits her strength to an extent) she is capable of putting off levels of power greater than a high-end Organization member such as Saix.

Fangirl variants 

"Variant" Fangirls are stronger-than-normal members of a particular Fangirl type, often with additional abilities that a normal Fangirl of that type would not have -- for example, a Yaoinator with a massive set of claws on the end of one hand and the power to control the wind, or a Highschooler with the ability to read minds and rewrite its victims' memories.  While most ordinary Fangirls rarely reach Fangirlism Levels any higher than twenty, these stronger versions will occasionally rise into the forty-plus range, making them among the strongest Fangirls in existence (only surpassed by the Uber-Fangirls and the Fangirl Queen herself) and by far the strongest to have originated from a normal person undergoing the Fangirlization process.


Following Roxas' capture by Fangirl forces and imprisonment within the core of the Internet, the creation of "male Fangirls" -- which came to be known as "Fanboys" -- began for the first time.  The first-generation Fanboys were created by the Fangirl Queen personally, capturing young boys and teenagers who displayed an abundance of Fanboyish traits and dragging them into the Internet so that they could be encased in cocoons which would cause them to undergo something similar to the Fangirlization process.  To complete the transformation, the Fangirl Queen thrust one of her tentacles into the pod, giving the newborn Fanboy a hole to break free as well as completing its transformation with an infusion of Fangirl energy.  After this first wave was complete, further Fanboy transformations through the usual Fangirlization (or "Fanboyfication" in this case) process became possible, and males throughout the world are now at risk of transforming if their obsessions take too much of a hold over their lives.

Most Fanboys are very similar to Fangirls of the types outlined above, with the most common varieties being the Flamer, Hyper, Shifter, Homophobia, Cracky, Creepy, and OOC Fanboys.  Rather than using sharp claws for close-range combat, many Fanboys have the ability to enlarge their fists before impact in order to enhance the power of their punches.  The only other significant difference between a Fanboy and Fangirl of the same type is body shape, with Fanboys being less curvy and having shorter hair as well as usually being slightly taller.  There are, however, a few types which seem to be unique to Fanboys, much like how a few of the Fangirl types (most notably the common Glomper and the more powerful Yaoinator) have not been known to have a Fanboy equivalent.
  • Hater Fanboy: Larger and bulkier than any other Fangirl or Fanboy type, Haters possess a surprising degree of physical strength and are obsessed with attacking a specific "enemy," often a less-popular member of Organization XIII.  They may be the Fanboy equivalent of the Glompers, attempting to pummel an individual they hate rather than smothering one they like with life-draining hugs.
  • Troll Fanboy: A dangerous Fanboy variety, the Troll seeks to cause chaos in the ranks of its enemies through a variety of methods.  Though physically weaker than Haters, they are capable of amplifying the negative emotions of their victims, causing them to lash out at each other over minor complaints; in extreme cases, a swarm of Trolls can actually cause their enemies to end up fighting each other rather than the Fanboys.
  • Yurinator Fanboy: The gender-swapped equivalent of the Yaoinator Fangirl, these Fanboys are obsessed with lesbians and are capable of putting straight females under their spell with a beam from their flags, causing them to go into a trance where they will attempt to snuggle or make out with the nearest available woman.

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