Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tenkyou Shikeiro

    Tenkyou Shikeiro is one of the four original "Uber-Fangirls," abnormally powerful Fangirlish entities that were spawned from the depths of the Internet itself rather than transforming from ordinary people exposed to high levels of Fangirlism.  Unlike the others of her kind, she does not have a descriptive title for herself; when the other Uber-Fangirls insist that she play along, she refuses, telling them that "titles are lame" and that she "can do whatever she wants."

    Though nearly as tall as Nitsugi Sousaku, Shikeiro generally stands with a heavy slouch which causes her to appear shorter than any of the Uber-Fangirls aside from the tiny Ekaki Kurui.  She has long, unkempt hair that is dark purple in color, with two unusually-shaped hair decorations of unknown origin attached by some unknown means.  Rather than the skirts worn by most of the Uber-Fangirls, she wears a rather long gray-greenish dress that is tattered and raggedy-looking around the edges, perhaps the result of her strange movements and habits or simply lack of maintenance.  She also carries a large, pink-furred unicorn plushie with her at all times.

    Tenkyou Shikeiro is bizarre even by Fangirl standards, an entity which even her fellow Uber-Fangirls are sometimes annoyed by or uncomfortable with.  Her behavior is extremely erratic; one moment she will seem to be carrying out a rather brilliant battle strategy and the next she will be distracted by shiny explosions in the distance and ignore her own fight altogether.  She is obsessed with ponies for reasons unknown, and once she goes off on a pony-related rant it is difficult to rein her in and get her to focus on anything else.  She laughs at almost everything, but especially things that aren't really funny, repeating the syllable "lol" over and over (sometimes while rolling on the floor) rather than making a sound resembling actual laughter.  When caught laughing at something that anyone else (especially a non-Fangirl) finds to be legitimately funny, she quickly retracts her laughter, insisting that the thing being laughed at has gotten old or that since it was meant to be funny from the beginning, it was therefore "forced" and thus not-funny according to her backward logic.  She has even been known to barge into other battles just in time to finish off her own already-weakened allies, seemingly just for the fun of it.  It's possible that she sees such things as little more than some kind of twisted prank due to the fact that the Uber-Fangirls can't permanently die so long as some fragment of them returns to the Internet after they are destroyed.


    Tenkyou Shikeiro spawned from the depths of the Internet some time ago, taking a coherent form when the Fangirlism of a certain website in a region of the Internet where even other Fangirls fear to tread reached critical mass.  Said website, like Shikeiro herself, is known for its disturbing, chaotic, and utterly alien nature, frequented by the absolute worst people among Internet users.  Having one of the highest Fangirlism levels throughout the Internet, she was soon hand-picked by the Fangirl Queen to serve as one of the guardians of the white orb at its very center, perhaps being the first of the Uber-Fangirls to be assigned to the core due to her claim that she alone is in charge whenever the Queen is absent.

Powers and abilities

Fangirlism Level: Varies, usually hovering around 60. 

Marluxia in "pink fluffy scythicorn" form.
Image by SpiderMilkshake on DeviantArt.

    Like everything about her, Shikeiro's abilities are extremely unpredictable.  Her Fangirlism Level is in a constant state of flux, sometimes registering a level well below that of Nama Ryokouki and other times rising to become the highest among the Uber-Fangirls, particularly when she becomes enraged.  Her strangest ability makes use of the seemingly-harmless stuffed unicorn that she carries with her everywhere. By firing a rainbow-colored beam from its horn, she is capable of turning virtually anything into an equine creature of some variety; Marluxia, when hit, transformed into a pink, fluffy unicorn with a scythe blade in place of the traditional spiraling horn, and she has also shown the ability to transform trees, rocks, and even bodies of water into horse-shaped versions of the same things.  Like the bazooka that serves as Nitsugi Sousaku's ultimate weapon, this plushie can be tucked away and recovered from some unknown space at a moment's notice if Shikeiro needs to use both hands for something.
    When enraged, she begins to charge her claws with shimmering rainbow-colored energy which greatly enhances their cutting power, sometimes projecting claw-beams from them as she swipes at her opponent.  Upon being pushed  too far, she may attempt to charge an incredible amount of this energy into a house-sized sphere and then fling it at her opponent, an attack so powerful it would threaten to disrupt the structure of the Internet itself if not interrupted (making it perhaps even as strong as Lexaeus' Ayers Rock attack, which shook the Internet, carved a deep chasm out of the core's inner surface, and caused Internet connection outages all across the continent of Australia.)

    She also possesses a variety of abilities similar to those of lesser Fangirls, including a draining touch much like that of a Glomper and the ability to change the form of her opponent's attacks or weapons into something harmless like a Cracky Fangirl.  Of course, she is also capable of transporting herself through the Internet, an ability that all Fangirls share.

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