Friday, January 8, 2016


Elemental Power: Fear                
Weapon: Staff
Trained Under: Vexen         

     Estera Pasternack is a non-numbered member of Organization XIII.  She was assigned to Vexen for training shortly after her recruitment and has continued to work with him on various projects since, aiding him in scientific experiments (by capturing Fangirls to serve as test subjects, for example) as well as filling in as one of the Organization's medical officers alongside fellow Vexen trainee Slobodan on occasions where both Marluxia and Vexen are busy elsewhere.

    Estera is fairly average in height and build, with pale skin and gray eyes.  She is distinguished from other members primarily by her square-rimmed glasses and her black hair which hangs down in two long strands in front but is a bit shorter in the back.  When she first joined, she grew her hair out longer all-around, but at some point during her training she trimmed it in the back so that it stops just inches short of her shoulders.

    Like her superior officer, Estera is very much an intelligent and scientifically-minded individual and is constantly analyzing everything around her, particularly when it comes to situations related to her Organization duties.  She is known for her note-taking habits which rival those of Zexion, and she always carries around a small notebook which she can quickly flip open to jot something down if she feels the need.  Whereas Vexen has a bit of a temper and tends to fly off the handle if provoked beyond a certain point, Estera almost always stays calm regardless of the circumstances, tolerating Vexen's occasional outbursts but not entirely approving of them.  Despite this, she has a great deal of respect for her superior officer and would likely follow almost any reasonable order he gave to her without a moment of hesitation.


  Watch this space -- more information is coming soon!

Powers and abilities

Strength: 4.5/10          
Speed: 5/10        
Endurance: 3.5/10             
Mastery of Powers: 7/10                             
Combat Skill: 5.5/10                 
Defense: 4.5/10        

     Estera's elemental power is that of Fear, which allows her to instill fear into her opponents (or anyone else nearby, if the situation calls for it) as well as manipulating the fear responses of each individual affected.  For example, if someone affected by her powers would normally have a violent response to seeing something they're afraid of (such as wanting to stomp a spider to death on sight), she can cause them to instead freeze up, back away slowly, or go running in the opposite direction as fast as they can.  Her powers can cause a wide range of effects in those she uses them on, ranging from mild paranoid thoughts all the way up to full-blown panic, though stronger-willed individuals (and those with a significant power advantage over her) are likely to be able to shrug off these effects to an extent.  She is also capable of suppressing the fears of other individuals, though she generally does not do so unless they are so overwhelmed that they're behaving irrationally and are likely to bring harm to themselves or others in the process.  It's possible that her power over fear itself contributes to her unusual calm even in combat or other tense situations, as if she is capable of suppressing even her own fear if the situation calls for it.  If she were to ever face an opponent with similar fear-inducing powers, it's highly likely that she would be unaffected by them.

    Her summoned weapon is a staff, decorated (like the weapons of many Organization members) with elements of the Organization's symbol.  It is topped with a shiny black orb which floats a couple inches above the end of the staff, which can be left in place to provide added weight to her physical blows or disconnected and send floating through the air.  She is able to control the orb remotely, making it fly around enemies to distract them as well as firing small bursts of barely-visible energy (similar in appearance to the ripples that flow outward from her toward her target when she makes use of her powers) to attack from a distance.  She often uses her staff to amplify the range of her powers, grasping her staff with both hands and holding it out in front of her so that her aura of fear is "broadcast" over a wide area rather than only affecting a few select individuals at a time.  As she is somewhat frail and lacks combat experience, she prefers to fight at range (relying on her fear-inducing powers to keep her opponents at a distance) despite the fact that her weapon would almost certainly be more effective up close.

    Like Vexen himself, Estera has developed the ability to sense the energy of other beings.  Rather than operating by sight like that of her superior officer, however, Estera's energy-sensing ability works as a vague feeling she picks up whenever she is exposed to someone's energy at a close enough range.  She is quite skilled at comparing one energy signature to another, capable of measuring a new recruit's power in comparison to that of other members purely from memory after sensing each of them at full strength only once.  Extremely powerful energy signatures suddenly flaring up are known to make her uncharacteristically nervous, an effect which the energy of certain higher-ranking Organization members (such as Xemnas and Saix) is known to have on her even after nearly a year of being around them.  It's possible that this happens for the same reason that her powers sometimes fail to have their intended effect on a very powerful opponent: the energy of someone as powerful as Saix (or stronger) is simply too overwhelming for her powers to effectively subdue, and as a result her ability to silence her own fears temporarily "turns off" in the presence of such energies.

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