Saturday, January 2, 2016


Image by Slapmyface on DeviantArt, found here

Original Name: Myde         
Elemental Power: Water             
Weapon: Sitar
Number: Nine
Position: --    

     Demyx is Number Nine in the Fangirl-fighting force known as Organization XIII.  Due to his somewhat lazy habits and tendency to avoid combat if at all possible, Demyx has not yet been given any particular duty in the Organization aside from training any non-numbered members that Xemnas assigns to him and helping out with routine Fangirl-extermination missions.  Unofficially, however, he could be considered the Organization's resident musician, coming up with "theme songs" for a variety of the group's members which have made him quite popular with the non-numbered members.

    Demyx is unlikely to be mistaken for any other member of the Organization, with a hairstyle that probably requires more hair gel to maintain than any three other members combined.  He is average in build and a bit below average in height (standing only five feet, six inches), and has blue-green eyes and fairly light skin, the light tan he had back in his hometown having faded after four or five years of spending most of his time indoors in the Organization's base.  The black cloaks he wears have been noted to have larger shoulderpads than those of most other members, a feature which he most likely requested himself rather than one he simply ended up with by sheer coincidence.

    While many members of the Organization are fairly serious people who only sometimes let their "silly sides" shine through, Demyx is basically the opposite -- a fundamentally goofy and lighthearted individual who only gets truly serious in times of grave danger.  Even in fights, his silliness tends to shine through, fading only when he finds himself pushed to his limits by a powerful opponent.  He will sometimes even feign seriousness for a moment and then immediately break back into his more typical mannerisms -- for example, threatening an opponent in a dead-serious tone only to turn to another member moments later, grinning like a kid who'd just opened their biggest Christmas present, and remark that he'd always wanted to say that.  He is a musician first and a warrior second (or perhaps third, or fourth, or... you get the idea), disliking combat and preferring to run away from or defuse a dangerous-looking situation if given the chance; don't ever let that fool you into thinking that he's weak, however.  What Demyx lacks in skill and physical strength, he makes up for in sheer talent, surprising levels of speed and endurance, and an immense store of dormant power just waiting to be tapped into.  With minimal training, he has managed to rise to a level rivaling more established members such as Axel and Vexen; some have theorized that if he were to get serious about training and developing his abilities, he would easily leave them in the dust and perhaps even reach heights of power similar to those possessed by Xaldin and Marluxia.  He gets along well with nearly all of the younger members and most of his elders as well, with him and Axel having a bit of a rivalry (though usually a friendly one) due to their similar levels of power -- though Axel would never admit Demyx is his equal in front of anyone else, finding it somewhat irritating that Number Nine has grown as powerful as him despite his lack of training.  Demyx and Xigbar also get along very well, with the old elf often joking around with him, giving him advice on various matters, and even introducing him to some older music that Demyx hadn't heard prior to joining the Organization.


      Demyx originally went by the name Myde, and lived somewhere in the state of California in the United States of America.  He was still in his junior year of high school, working part-time as a street performer after school to raise money in hopes of someday putting together his own band, when he had his first encounter with the Fangirl menace.  When walking home late one night after his first time performing live on stage at a local restaurant, he heard footsteps behind him, rapidly picking up speed.  Thinking that he was being pursued by members of one of the local street gangs, he ran -- and as he sped up, so did his Fangirlish pursuers, who eventually managed to get him flustered enough to accidentally run into a dead-end alley.  He was backed up against a chain-link fence, trying in vain to climb up it as the creatures closed in on him; after somehow holding them off for several minutes (he has no memory of how he might have managed to do so), the scene was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Axel, who disintegrated the Fangirls instantly with a wall of flames.  The spiky-haired man told Myde about Organization XIII and the Fangirls, inviting the young musician to join, but at first he refused -- he wanted to finish that year of school first.

     Later that year, when school let out, Myde had concocted a cover story about how he was going to join a band called Organization XIII and he probably wouldn't be able to come back home to visit for a long time, a tale which his parents still believe to this day (though after four years of membership he's finding it harder and harder to convince them that his band just hasn't made it to the point where they'd have heard of them just yet.)  From time to time he has attempted to gather up a group of other members with some degree of musical talent and form an actual Organization XIII band, though as of yet these attempts have not gone well.

    Demyx was the first of the current numbered members to train using the Zero Gear technology, a procedure which delayed his initial training for several weeks when -- not knowing how to properly focus his newly-awakened powers -- he accidentally unleashed an explosively powerful jet of water which smashed one of the training room's windows, the recoil from the blast shattering the Zero Gear he was using and breaking his wrist.  After being patched up by Vexen and recovering from this injury, Demyx half-heartedly went through the rest of his training under Xigbar, learning how to summon his weapon and gaining control over his powers as well as sitting in on Fangirl education classes taught by Vexen.  Despite his relative lack of training, Demyx's power skyrocketed as he learned to play his summoned instrument and -- in the process -- ended up unintentionally fine-tuning his control over water to an unexpectedly high degree.  This rapid increase in power caught Xemnas' attention, and Demyx was soon promoted from his previous non-numbered rank to Number Nine.

Powers and abilities

Strength: 6.5/10       
Speed: 9.5/10  
Endurance: 8/10             
Mastery of Powers: 9/10                          
Combat Skill: 5/10                
Defense: 7/10       

     Demyx's elemental power is Water, which allows him to generate massive amounts of water as well as manipulating water in the world around him.  He often uses this power to enhance his already impressive speed, jet-propelling himself across the ground (or high into the air) with a high-pressure burst of water.  In addition to the obvious combat applications of this power, having power over water also means that Demyx is by far the best swimmer out of the entire Organization and can remain underwater indefinitely and dive as deep as he pleases without suffering any side-effects -- the fact that liquid water is incapable of causing any harm him means that he can breathe underwater just as well as he could above the surface (it's literally impossible for Demyx to drown), and that he is unaffected by the ailments that immense levels of water pressure could inflict upon an ordinary person.  While underwater, he has absolute control over his position, being able to sit, stand, walk, and swim without worrying about sinking, floating, or being pulled about by currents if he doesn't wish to do so.  Even his senses are attuned to functioning underwater; after only a brief moment spent submerged, a glow of elemental power will flash across his eyes which allows him to see clearly even through choppy seas, though water that has become especially murky due to stirred-up mud or some other pollutant is still difficult for him to penetrate.  Though less often used, it's highly likely that his senses of smell and hearing (usually difficult for a human to use at all underwater) work perfectly when submerged as well.  His power over water also makes it possible for him to walk or run across its surface just as easily as if it were solid ground.
Demyx's sitar, "Arpeggio"

     His summoned weapon is technically not a weapon at all but rather a musical instrument -- a large blue sitar, which he is an expert at playing (along with several other instruments, including multiple varieties of guitars.)  Though lazy when it comes to combat-related training, Demyx has put a great deal of effort into his abilities as a musician, learning how to manipulate the water-strings of his sitar so that they produce sounds that no ordinary sitar would be capable of -- mainly the range of sounds produced by other instruments that Demyx knows how to play, though he has experimented with a variety of sounds far beyond that range as well.  He can also use the sitar in combat, either clubbing opponents with the heavy thing or (more commonly) using it to amplify his control over water -- playing a chord that causes enormous pillars of water to erupt from the ground beneath his opponent, for example.

     For reasons unknown, Demyx has an abnormally high resistance to draining attacks such as the life-sapping hugs of Glomper Fangirls, being able to shrug off such attacks much more effectively than nearly any other member of the Organization despite his small stature and relative lack of physical strength.

Special techniques

  • El Kabong: Demyx raises his sitar, smashing the larger rounded end down upon his opponent.  Though really just an ordinary strike, he finds it funny to refer to it by this name anyway.
  • Water: A basic water-elemental technique.  Demyx raises one hand to the sky, then generates several concentrated spheres of water, which he launches at his enemies.  These explode on impact, unleashing the force of a massive wave all at once.
  • Jet Dash: Demyx causes a burst of high-pressure water to erupt from beneath him, launching him through the air or (depending on the angle) boosting his running speed.  When underwater, he can use this technique to boost his swimming speed as well.  Though this can be used to launch an attack -- such as coming down upon an opponent at high speeds with a blow from his sitar -- he usually uses it defensively instead.
  • Wave Gigs: Demyx plays his sitar, causing jets of water to erupt from the ground all around him in patterns that correspond to his notes.  He usually finishes this attack with what appears to be a guitar solo, which causes explosive spheres of water to rain down upon his opponent.
  • Water Dance: A technique which seems nearly harmless on the surface, but which can quickly become Demyx's most powerful move if he's pushed too far or his opponent messes around too long.  Playing his sitar and concentrating, Demyx causes water to form into various shapes, including clones of himself.  The water clones attack any opponent that comes close, and the longer Demyx keeps playing his sitar, the stronger they become.  He can generate up to 100 of these clones at once, and as a finishing move he can cause all of the water clones to home in one opponent, surrounding them in a super-concentrated dome of water and quickly crushing them.

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