Organization XIII

 Organization XIII is one of several groups actively fighting (as well as researching) the Fangirls, founded in the year 1996 by a group of six who had previously worked alongside the Fangirl researcher known as Ansem.  Of the two well-defined groups devoted to eradicating the Fangirls (the other being the Keybearers), Organization XIII is smaller in terms of membership but significantly more powerful.  Their base of operations is located somewhere in northern Japan, built in the inside of a partially hollowed-out mountain in a remote area where few other than mountain-climbers and other adventurous types ever risk stumbling across it.

All members of Organization XIII are capable of drawing upon a specific elemental power and summoning a weapon unique to them after undergoing the basic training expected of any new recruit; these powers are thought to be a side-effect of Fangirl exposure, strengthening those who survive Fangirl attacks (and especially swarms) to be able to fight them off in the future.  This is, in fact, the only requirement for recruitment into the Organization -- anyone who has encountered Fangirls, particularly those who are attacked and managed to either fight back or escape, is liable to be contacted by the Organization as soon as they show even the slightest sign of powers developing.


Since the time it filled all thirteen of its numbered positions, the Organization has generally had somewhere in the range of fifty active members at any given time, with new members being recruited semi-regularly (and less frequently, members being removed from the ranks either by way of death in battle or simply leaving for one reason or another.)  The leaders of the Organization are the thirteen numbered members, with Xemnas -- "the Superior" -- holding the highest level of authority within the group and Saix, despite only being Number Seven, acting as his second-in-command.

There are also quite a few lower-ranking members, known as "non-numbered members," who do not have certain privileges afforded to the numbered members (such as leaving the base without approval from a numbered member, issuing orders to other members, or driving the Dimensional Hippievan) but are still considered full-fledged members of the Organization and often serve as a backup force to the top thirteen when it comes to combating Fangirl swarms.  Each non-numbered member generally works alongside the numbered member who oversaw their training when they first joined, and as such they will be listed below their superior officers here.

  • I. Xemnas
  • II. Xigbar
    • Harrison
    • Corentine
  • III. Xaldin
  • IV. Vexen
  • V. Lexaeus
    • Otonashi Hashimoto
    • Ivy "Vi" Nihtrest
  • VI. Zexion
    • Michiko Shinda
    • Chinatsu Arakaki
  • VII. Saix
    • D'aal
    • Andrina Bagley
  • VIII. Axel
    • Zagan Xavier Baldts
    • Xion
    • Banbu
    • Mæja
  • IX. Demyx
    • Roberto Alfonzo San José del Garbanzo
    • Toivo
  • X. Luxord
    • Vittorio Lagorio
    • Yoshi Kato
  • XI. Marluxia
  • XII. Larxene
    • Donny Buttafuoco
  • XIII. Roxas


The instantly recognizable black cloak of the Organization serves as both the group's uniform and a practical piece of clothing for battle against the Fangirls -- the cloaks are tougher than ordinary clothing, with lightweight armor built in especially around the chest area, and when their hoods are up they make their wearer more difficult to detect in various ways (interfering with energy-sensing abilities and causing security camera footage of them to appear blurrier than normal, for example.)

Members who have not yet awakened their powers or summoned their weapon are not allowed to wear the cloak, instead restricted to a simple black uniform shirt and pants along with the Organization's standard boots and gloves.  Upon reaching a stage in their training in which they can call upon their weapon or powers at will, they are provided with a supply of cloaks in their size which can be customized to an extent (for example, Demyx's cloaks have larger shoulderpads and Axel's are tighter in the sleeves than those worn by most other members.)

Once they have earned the right to wear the full cloak, Organization members are no longer required to wear the standard black undershirt provided upon joining; many members wear a different shirt of their choosing (or even no shirt at all) under their cloak.  For those members who wear the cloak, it is a required part of their uniform only during official Organization activities (such as undergoing training sessions or leaving the base to deal with a Fangirl swarm); some members, such as Harrison, prefer not to wear their cloak when off duty.


In addition to the elemental powers and summoned weapons that each member possesses, Organization XIII also makes use of a great deal of advanced technology to aid in the task of Fangirl extermination.  The vast majority of what the Organization uses was either built by its members from scratch or heavily modified from preexisting equipment, and as such tends to be far ahead of technology available to the outside world.

The following are some of the more unique pieces of Organization technology, though this is by no means a complete list of all the devices the group makes use of.  Among those technologies not listed below, perhaps the most noteworthy are the base's security systems (a vast network of cameras, capturing everything that takes place in the public hallways and entrance of the base) and various devices for restraining prisoners, such as the electrified bars placed in front of all of the Organization's containment cells and a set of shackles invented by Vexen which were sturdy enough to thoroughly restrain Saix when he entered an uncontrollable early form of his berserk mode.
  • Fangirl Detection System
  • Fangirl Alarm
  • Dimensional Hippievan
  • Black Cloak
  • Zero Gear

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