Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Image by MathiaArkoniel on DeviantArt
Original Name: Xehanort Eiyihm Nazo Sahkmet
Elemental Power: Nothingness                                  
Weapon: --                                   
Number: One                               
Position: The Superior                 

Xemnas is the first of six founding members of Organization XIII, and the overall leader of the group.  As "the Superior," it is his job to oversee all major operations of the Organization; on a day to day basis, his focus mostly falls on passing orders to Saix (his second-in-command) to be relayed to the other members, calling and presiding over meetings, and the important duty of assigning new recruits to one of the numbered members for their training.  He also involves himself in various experiments, including the Fangirl Disconnection Project (during which he worked with Vexen) and the creation of the Zero Gear technology used to aid new members in summoning their weapons for the first time (which he developed alongside Zexion.)

He has a rather unusual appearance even among Organization members, with medium-to-dark tanned skin, bright silvery-colored hair, slightly pointed ears, and orange eyes.  It's likely that this combination of features traces back to his unusual ancestry -- he is a half-elf, Elveshmean (the race of elves that Xigbar and Saix belong to) on his elven side and Egyptian on his human side.  Standing just a bit over six feet in height and fairly muscular, it seems his build is likely to have been inherited more from his human side, as the Elveshmean elves tend to be shorter and wirier.

Personality-wise, Xemnas is difficult to pin down.  He rarely talks to other members on an equal level, with the only exceptions being Saix (who he can frequently be seen sitting and having a cup of coffee with while discussing various things) and occasionally some of his fellow founding members (though this happens most often while they are working together on an experiment of some sort and thus involves very little normal conversation.)  He does seem to care about the safety of the other members, sending teams to recover lost or injured comrades or even charging into battle himself on the rare occasion that the enemy is just too overwhelming for anyone else, though he demands the respect and obedience of the rest of the Organization at all times and is not above delegating some of the more unpleasant jobs to those who annoy him during meetings.  Though he sees the world around him as heavily flawed (and such flaws possibly contributing to the rise of plagues such as Fangirlism) and sometimes only barely worth preserving, he believes that attempting to fix the problems that currently exist is a more ideal solution than tearing down the current order entirely and starting from scratch.


     Xemnas originally went by the name Xehanort Eiyihm Nazo Sahkmet.  At some point in his life, he was attacked by the monsters known as Fangirls and as a result of the trauma of this event, his memory of everything prior to being attacked by the Fangirl swarm is spotty at best and nonexistent at worst.  After the Fangirl swarm had ended, he was discovered on the doorstep of a school by the principal, an older man named Ansem.  Ansem and a science teacher named Even Rimewind took the injured and amnesiac Xehanort in and nursed him back to health, attempting to help him recover his memories though never succeeding in dredging up anything more than his name.  Being unable to figure out where his home might be, Xehanort was invited to live in the teachers' quarters in the school, and during this time the three of them began the earliest stages of Fangirl research.

    Several years passed, and the Fangirl research team -- with Xehanort now among its leaders, supplanting Even as Ansem's second-in-command -- gradually added more members.  First among them were two elves, an Elveshmean named Braig and a Rurcelan named Dilan; the two had encountered the Fangirls years earlier and had been working together in order to develop techniques for fighting them, using a combination of martial arts and advanced versions of traditional elven weapons such as arrowguns.  Around 1995, they added two more members to the group -- the architect Elaeus Sabato and the orphan and child prodigy Ienzo Boccaccio, who Elaeus had taken in after he had been separated from his parents in a massive Fangirl swarm that wreaked havoc across their hometown in Italy.  Less than a year later, however, the group suffered a split.  Xehanort and Ansem clashed over the issue of how to best combat the Fangirls, with Ansem insisting on pursuing means of acquiring the legendary weapon known as the χ-Blade (which had never been confirmed to even exist) to finish the Fangirls while Xehanort, beginning to awaken the powers that had lain dormant within him ever since his Fangirl encounter, believed that training and developing the power to fight the Fangirls on their own would be the better option.  Ansem, already a bit on edge over their previous disagreements about the origins and nature of Fangirls, was terrified by the brief displays of power that Xehanort showed him and fled, believing that his power was a result of his exposure to such extreme levels of Fangirlism somehow corrupting him.

      In 1996, the remaining members of the Fangirl research team, all in agreement that cultivating the powers they were all slowly beginning to gain control over was the best option they had for fighting the Fangirl menace, formed the Fangirl extermination squad that came to be known as Organization XIII.  In order to eliminate any possibility of Fangirls or other enemies targeting the friends or family of their members, the group relocated to a remote mountain in Japan and each of the six took on a new name; while the others' names were simply their first (or only, in the case of the two elves) name rearranged and with an X added in, Xehanort compressed his rather long name into an acronym, taking "Xehanort EiyihM NAzo Sahkmet" and trimming it down to "Xemnas."

    In the year that followed the Organization's founding, the original six members worked on constructing the beginnings of their base of operation as well as training to develop their powers.  Though Xemnas was the first to awaken his dormant power, it proved to be annoyingly difficult to master, and he was quickly left in the dust by the rapid power increases experienced by Xigbar, Xaldin, and Lexaeus -- all of whom had undergone some degree of combat training prior to their Organization years and thus picked up their new methods of fighting much more quickly.  While those three members, and later Vexen and even young Zexion, all discovered that they not only had access to an elemental power but the ability to summon a weapon to aid them in battle, Xemnas remained weaponless and was forced to fight the Fangirls hand-to-hand.  As the first new members -- Saix and Axel -- joined, Xemnas took it upon himself to oversee their training despite the fact that he had not managed to summon a weapon.  As Axel's training drew to a close, Xemnas had still not managed to summon a weapon of his own.  Aided by Zexion and using some of Vexen's writings from his research into their powers as a reference, Xemnas eventually came up with a device known as the Zero Gear that would assist new members in calling upon their weapons, speeding up the training process immensely.  It was at this point that Xemnas finally confirmed that his suspicions had been accurate -- he, unlike all other members of the Organization up to this point, did not actually have the ability to summon a weapon.  His personal training from that point onward focused on developing his powers in such a way that he could make up for this deficiency, creating energy-swords through a technique known as "Ethereal Blades."  Now that he had abandoned his futile pursuit of a weapon and instead put even more focus on strengthening his mastery of his element, Xemnas quickly gained a great deal of power, surpassing even Lexaeus within the following year.

    In the year 2005, Xemnas and Vexen began work on the "Fangirl Disconnection Project," during which they located a young girl in Japan who had just begun to undergo the Fangirlization process and removed her from all connections to the Internet.  This experiment turned out to be a success for the most part; with the girl totally removed from the websites that had triggered her Fangirlization before the process was complete, she never connected to the Fangirl hivemind or physically transformed.  As early-stage Fangirlization had completely erased her memory, however, Xemnas decided to give her a new name -- Xion.

Powers and abilities

Strength: 9/10   
Speed: 9/10
Endurance: 8.5/10    
Mastery of Powers: 10/10                   
Combat Skill: 9.5/10        
Defense: 8.5/10

    Xemnas' elemental power is that of Nothingness, a power which is better described as the ability to create energy from nothing.  This power violates the laws of physics in two different ways -- not only creating energy when used, but also destroying that energy when Xemnas no longer needs it -- and as such is among the most powerful and versatile elements possessed by any Organization XIII member.  In battle, he uses his powers to create blasts of energy (most commonly silvery-colored orbs or laser-like cutting beams of various colors) as well as protective barriers, which he also uses to seal off restricted areas of the Organization's base from unauthorized entry.  The nature of his power made it incredibly difficult to master, taking Xemnas more than three years of training to reach his current level of power whereas most Organization members manage to reach a plateau in roughly a year if they're serious about their training, only making very small and gradual increases after that point.  Xemnas is one of a very small group of Organization members who is not totally immune to attacks of a similar nature to his own element, being harmed by the attacks of his Fangirl-generated clone during their clash and even needing to block his own attacks when they are deflected back at him; it's possible that this is due to the fact that his powers generate pure energy rather than any more-defined force, as immunity to energy itself would make him nearly invincible rather than providing him with a high degree of resistance to only one or two forms of attack.

    In addition to creating energy from nothing, Xemnas' powers allow him to phase through solid objects, though he cannot do this and attack at the same time since his attacks would simply pass through his opponent (solidifying a fist or foot while partially in an opponent's body is also not an option, as he is unable to make a part of his body solid again if it is still within another object.)  By phasing through another person, he is capable of entering into a mental clash with them; if his will is able to overpower his opponent's, he could even take over their body for his own if he so desired.  He is also capable of levitating above the ground for extended periods of time, with such a high degree of control over his movement and speed that it resembles true flight.  By compressing a massive amount of energy, he is even able to generate a copy of his own body which he can control remotely, though doing so is much more of a drain on his stamina than any of his other powers and he rarely does so unless it is absolutely necessary.

Special techniques

  • Spark Wall: Xemnas generates a barrier of energy around himself, preventing his opponents' attacks from touching him as long as it lasts.
  • Ethereal Blade: Xemnas generates a beam of red energy from the palm of his hand, which can either be launched directly at his opponent or held in place to be wielded like a sword.  He generally wields two of these blades as a substitute for an actual weapon.
  • Interdiction: Xemnas creates 1000 of his Ethereal Blades -- the absolute limit that he can generate at any one time -- surrounding his opponent with a dome composed entirely of these energy blades and sending them speeding inward at them in rapid succession.  This is a technique usually reserved for finishing off an opponent that is already weakened, or for crippling one who is actually managing to give Xemnas some trouble.
  • Invitation to Nothingness: Xemnas creates a stream of electricity-like energy which links him to an opponent, causing pain as well as rapidly draining their energy in order to add it to his own.  This attack is among the most dangerous in Xemnas' arsenal; only an opponent on his level or beyond would be able to escape it under their own power, with weaker opponents being hopelessly trapped until their energy dwindles away to nothing unless someone else helps them break free.
  • All-Vanity: Xemnas surrounds himself with a large, spherical barrier of energy, then attacks either by slamming the barrier into opponents or by using portions of its energy to fire piercing blue beams in all directions around him.

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