
This is a timeline of events related to the universe of Organization XIII: Fangirl Extermination Squad, focusing on those which are relevant to the story and its characters.

Events that take place starting in September 2006 (when Roxas, Tundo, Vi, and Banbu are sent on their first ever Fangirl extermination mission) may contain spoilers up through Chapter 46 of the story, so if you have not yet read the whole story be careful how far down you scroll.  Beware, too, of blacked-out sections before that date, as they are there to hide spoilers about past events that aren't revealed until later chapters.  At least part of all major spoiler events (most commonly the names) will be shown with a black background to help prevent accidental reading, and can be viewed by selecting the text with your mouse to highlight it.


  • Ansem is born.


  • Eraqus Xien is born.


  • Even Rimewind (Vexen) is born.


  • First known Fangirlization.
    During an Elvis Presley concert, a member of the crowd passes out; later on, she reawakens... and immediately transforms into some variety of Fangirl which begins to attack others in the crowd.  Police are called in, and after exhausting their non-lethal arsenal to no avail, they end up putting down the Fangirl with half a dozen .38-caliber gunshots.


  • Harrison is born.


  • Braig (Xigbar) is born.


  • Vittorio Lagorio is born.


  • D'aal is born.


  • Dilan (Xaldin) is born.


  • Xehanort Eiyihm Nazo Sakhmet (Xemnas) is born.


  • Cid Highwind is born.
  • Otonashi Hashimoto is born.
  • Elaeus Sabato (Lexaeus) is born. 


  • Roberto Alfonzo San José del Garbanzo is born.


  • Corentine is born.


  • Count Durlo Alderley III (Luxord) is born.
  • Zagan Xavier Baldts is born. 


  • Isa (Saix) is born.


  • Ale (Axel) is born. 


  • Irael Sindrisson is born.
  • Liamaru (Marluxia) is born. 


  • Toivo is born.
  • Donny Buttafuoco is born. 


  • Ienzo Boccaccio (Zexion) is born.
  • Terra is born. 


  • Tundo Rowe is born.
  • Mæja is born. 
  • Aqua is born. 


  • Arlene di Guerre (Larxene) is born.


  • Squall Leonhart is born.
  • Myde (Demyx) is born.
  • Ignis is born. 
  • First known Internet-related Fangirlization. 


  • Estera Pasternack is born.
  • Ivy "Vi" Nihtrest is born. 
  • Aerith Gainsborough is born.
  • Ventus Siru is born. 


  • Chinatsu Arakaki is born.


  • Xehanort is discovered, injured and suffering from amnesia, by Ansem.  Ansem and his colleague Even take him in, allowing the mysterious man to live in the teacher's quarters of their school while the two nurse him back to health.  Upon learning that the beings known as Fangirls are responsible for his current state, Ansem and Even resolve to begin research into the workings of such things.
  • Even's Fangirl encounter.  During what was supposed to be a routine meeting with a student after class, Even is surprised when one of his female students abruptly reveals herself to be a Fangirl and attacks.  Drawing upon his years of experience as a boxer, however, Even is able to pummel the freshly-transformed Fangirl until it shatters.
  • Ansem's Fangirl research team is formed.  Several months after his sudden appearance, Xehanort is now fully recovered and joins Ansem and Even as the three of them begin their research into Fangirlism.


  • Michiko Shinda is born.
  • Yuffie Kisaragi is born. 


  • Riku Hashimoto is born.


  • Aros Siru (Roxas) is born.
  • Naminé is born. 
  • Andrina Bagley is born.
  • Presumably, the girl who would later be known as Xion is born this year as well.  


  • Yoshi Kato is born.
  • Elaeus and Ienzo's Fangirl encounters.  When a rather large Fangirl swarm wreaks havoc upon his Italian hometown, child prodigy Ienzo Boccaccio is separated from his parents (who go missing in the swarm and are presumed dead.)  A friend of the family, the young architect named Elaeus Sabato, takes the boy under his wing and provides him with a place to life while he completes high school. 


  • Braig and Dilan join the Fangirl research team.


  • Banbu is born.


  • Elaeus and Ienzo join the Fangirl research team.


  • Xehanort discovers his elemental power.  Soon after the awakening of his powers, he informs Ansem of this new development and mentions that he believes this could be a new frontier in combating the Fangirl menace, showing an uncharacteristic excitement.  Ansem is disturbed by this, seeing Xehanort's new powers as a sign of some sort of Fangirl corruption, and insists that they must be suppressed if possible rather than willingly used.  This leads to a bit of a clash between the two, one so serious that -- when piled on top of their previous disagreements on the origin of the Fangirls -- it splits the research team apart.
  • Organization XIII is founded.  With Ansem having left the Fangirl research team due to his disagreement with Xehanort, the remaining six members go off on their own way, beginning new research into the mysterious powers that Xehanort -- and soon after, the others as well -- have begun to develop.


  • Ansem completes his first successful prototype Keyblade.  Building off of his past two years of research, Ansem finally succeeds in creating a functional Keyblade.  He is shocked at the amount of strength his old body gains just by holding the weapon, and immediately sets out to confront Fangirls with it.  This turns out to be a bad plan, as his lack of stamina is a weakness that the Keyblade's power cannot quite counteract; though the small group of Fangirls he clashed with is defeated, he is wounded and exhausted, requiring a week of rest before he is well enough to continue his research.
  • The Keybearers are founded.  Ansem, after demonstrating his new Keyblade technology to a martial arts master by the name of Eraqus Xien, suggests that Eraqus join with him in order to train up a fighting force that can help fight the Fangirl menace.  Eraqus agrees, and also brings along his two apprentices Terra and Aqua -- both orphans who he took in almost a decade before.
  • Saix joins Organization XIII.  After being chased down a hillside by a small mob of Fangirls, an elf named Isa is forced into battle with the monsters and somehow manages to summon forth his weapon -- the claymore "Lunatic" -- on his own without any training.  Noticing the surge of an unknown power on the newly-constructed Fangirl Detection System, Xemnas and Xigbar head out to investigate and end up bringing the exhausted Isa back to the base with them, where he takes on the new name "Saix" and officially joins.  After completing an introductory class taught by Vexen, he begins training under Xemnas as the first non-numbered member.
  • The Zero Gear is invented.  Xemnas and Zexion, working together, create a device that will aid members in calling forth their summoned weapon; the goal of the experiment is to help Xemnas summon his own weapon, which to this point has been uncooperative, but in this regard it fails -- but only because Xemnas in fact has no weapon.


  • Axel joins Organization XIII.
  • Harrison joins Organization XIII.
  • Saix becomes Number Seven.  After completing his training and having achieved a degree of power -- and shown a degree of loyalty and commitment -- that impressed the Superior, Saix is promoted from his original non-numbered status to that of Number Seven in Organization XIII.
  • Slobodan joins Organization XIII.  After being found with a horribly-injured face in the wake of a Fangirl swarm, he is taken in by Vexen, who treats his injuries to the best of his abilities and then -- finding that everything above his mouth has been permanently rendered useless -- creates a cybernetic mask for him which allows him to see in addition to covering up his scars.  In return, Slobodan joins the Organization, insisting on becoming one of Vexen's trainees.


  • Axel becomes Number Eight.   Following on the coattails of Saix before him, Axel completes his training under Xemnas and is promoted to the eighth of the Organization's numbered ranks.
  • Zero Gears go into regular production.  After seeing how Axel's initial difficulty in summoning his weapons slowed his training, the founding members of the Organization decide to mass-produce Zero Gears, hoping that they will aid future members.
  • Ansem improves upon his Keyblades and introduces the "Mark of Mastery."  The first of these upgraded Keyblades is given to Eraqus, who comes to be considered the first Keyblade Master.  Heeding Eraqus' advice, Ansem decides that any future models of his new-and-improved Keyblade design -- which is capable of transforming into various other weapons as well as providing greater strength enhancements -- will be given only to those who have proven themselves in a test of strength, skill, and mental clarity that will come to be known as the Mark of Mastery exam.
  • Irael joins Organization XIII.
  • Zagan joins Organization XIII. 
  • D'aal joins Organization XIII.


  • Ventus joins the Keybearers.
  • Terra and Aqua undertake the Mark of Mastery exam.  Tested by Master Eraqus, the two both preform well for the most part, but only Aqua passes and is granted the title of Keyblade Master (and the improved Keyblade and armor that come with it.)  Terra overexerts his Keyblade's battery power due to his inability to control his strength, wasting energy with missed swings and ending up with a battery so badly drained that his Keyblade deactivates on its own.
  • Master Eraqus departs from the Keybearers.  Clashing with Ansem over his plan to provide Keyblades to as many recruits as they could possibly find in order to rapidly expand the Keybearers' forces once a method of mass-producing the weapons is perfected, Eraqus chooses to part ways with the Keybearers.  Terra and Aqua (and to a lesser extent, Ven) are torn between going with Eraqus and remaining with the Keybearers, but in the end decide that Fangirl extermination is too important a cause to simply abandon over a disagreement like this one.
  • Ignis joins the Keybearers.


  • Myde's Fangirl encounter.  While walking home at night, high school junior and would-be musician Myde is chased down and assaulted by a mob of Fangirls.  Axel comes to his rescue, but Myde refuses his offer to join the Organization, wanting to finish his current year of school first.
  • Terra retakes the Mark of Mastery exam and becomes a Keyblade Master.  With Eraqus gone, it is now Aqua -- the only current Keyblade Master -- who is responsible for presiding over the Mark of Mastery exam.  Terra, having learned to rein in his strength in order to not drain his Keyblade's battery too much, succeeds in passing and is given the upgraded Keyblade and armor of a Keyblade Master.
  • Demyx joins Organization XIII.  After completing his junior year of high school, Myde leaves his home in California to join the Organization, taking on the new name "Demyx" soon afterward and beginning his training under Xigbar.


  • Luxord joins Organization XIII.  Lured to a hotel bedroom in a drunken state by a disguised Fangirl, the gambler Durlo Alderly III is rescued by the sudden appearance of Lexaeus, who crushes the Fangirl in a single blow before freeing Durlo from the handcuffs that the Fangirl had linked him to the bedpost with.  After sobering up, he is offered a position in Organization XIII which he quickly accepts.
  • Demyx becomes Number Nine.  His quick progression in power during his initial training catches Xemnas' attention, and soon after his training is completed Demyx is promoted to the rank of Number Nine.
  • Marluxia joins Organization XIII.
  • Luxord becomes Number Ten.  Completing his training under Zexion, Durlo is offered the position of Number Ten in the Organization under one condition -- that he take on a new name, preferably one consisting of an anagram of his first name with an X added.  Thinking it over for a few seconds, he quickly comes up with a casino-inspired alias and accepts the offer.
  • A small group of unaffiliated Fangirl-fighters forms in Nevada.  Rallying around Chinatsu Arakaki and the unusual powers she has developed which seem to make her the perfect counter to the creatures, Squall Leonhart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Aerith Gainsborough, and Cid Highwind take to the streets in order to combat the Fangirl menace wherever it rears its ugly head.


  • Ignis and Ven both take (and pass) the Mark of Mastery exam.  With the ranks of the Keyblade Masters now risen to four, Ansem coins a nickname for them as a group -- "the Elementals," based on the fact that each of their names is also a Latin word for one of the four classical elements (earth, water, fire, and wind.)
  • Arlene's Fangirl encounter.
    After returning from carrying out a hit on a rival gangster, hired assassin Arlene di Guerre comes upon the crime family she works for in a sorry state -- hardened criminals reduced to a bunch of whiny, blubbering emo kids under the power of several Emo Fangirls.  Arlene flees the scene before she too can be caught up in the Fangirlism and immediately begins to seek out any information on the creatures that were responsible.
  • Larxene joins Organization XIII.  Seeking out the Fangirl extermination squad after learning of their existence, Arlene di Guerre meets Xaldin and is soon thereafter inducted into the Organization, beginning her training under Saix immediately.
  • Vittorio joins Organization XIII.
  • Marluxia becomes Number Eleven.  Upon completing his training under Lexaeus, Xemnas acknowledges Marluxia's impressive skill and power and immediately offers him the eleventh number ranked, which he accepts.
  • Ansem builds a holographic training room for future Mark of Mastery exams.  Moving further and further away from Eraqus' style of doing things, Ansem constructs a simulation room which will generate seemingly solid images, making Mark of Mastery exams a bit more unpredictable than the older style where one would simply prove oneself in combat against one of the sitting Keyblade Masters.
  • Toivo joins Organization XIII.
  • Larxene becomes Number Twelve.  Finishing her training under Saix in record time (perhaps due in part to having so much previous combat experience from her shady past), Arlene is offered the twelfth numbered rank if she agrees to change her name in the manner of the other numbered members, an offer which she does not hesitate to accept.
  • Corentine joins Organization XIII.


  • Reid joins Organization XIII.
  • Roberto joins Organization XIII.
  • Michiko joins Organization XIII.
  • Naminé joins Organization XIII. 
  • Innenjima is destroyed.  Inundated by a record-breakingly huge Fangirl swarm on one stormy summer night, the Japanese island town of Innenjima is reduced to a ghost town overnight as all of its residents either flee for their lives or end up caught in the chaos and perish.  Organization XIII arrives at the scene too late to prevent the town's destruction, but they are able to eradicate the swarm, with Xaldin personally taking on the most powerful among them -- a Vampire Fangirl variant with the power to summon storms.
  • Otonashi joins Organization XIII.  Found injured but still clinging to consciousness among the rubble after the Fangirls had been cleared out, a fisherman named Otonashi Hashimoto is inducted into the Organization.  Soon afterward, he begins training under Lexaeus.
  • Riku joins the Keybearers.  After word got out that Innenjima -- the hometown of Ventus of the Keybearers -- had been abandoned in the wake of a Fangirl swarm, several members of the group headed out to investigate.  Though they were far too late to do anything about the Fangirls, searching the surrounding area led them to a small island off the coast of the town where a boy named Riku Hashimoto had hidden himself away, rowing out to the island in a small fishing boat to escape the swarm.  Riku agrees to join them in order to train himself to get back at the Fangirls for what they've done, but insists that they first search for his friend -- and Ven's brother -- Aros, who should have washed up somewhere nearby after falling from the boat.  After hours of searching, the Keybearers are forced to give up all hope of finding him.
  • The "Fangirl Disconnection Project" begins.  Xemnas and Vexen discover a young girl who has only just barely begun the Fangirlization process somewhere in Japan.  As an experiment, they disconnect her from all sources of Internet access and move her into one of the holding cells of the Organization's base, where she remains for a week before awakening.
  • Roxas joins Organization XIII.  The Organization, during their sweeps of the Innenjima area in the months following the swarm, are surprised to pick up an unusual energy reading and send Axel out to investigate.  What he finds is a young boy, malnourished, confused, and wearing little more than a pair of baggy red shorts, wandering aimlessly along the coastline of another island nearby.  The boy's name is Aros Siru, but he doesn't have clear memories of anything else, so upon joining the Organization he immediately takes on the new name "Roxas."
  • Xion joins Organization XIII.  Seven days after Roxas' induction, a young girl named Xion is introduced as the Organization's newest member and assigned to train under Axel alongside Roxas.  The two quickly become close friends.
  • Chinatsu Arakaki goes missing.  Somehow learning how to enter the Internet on her own, Chinatsu Arakaki plumbs its depths in an attempt to confront the Fangirl Queen personally.  She fails, and instead ends up possessed by the Fangirl Queen, who takes on the alias "Kisaki Kyoushajo."
  • Roxas and Xion grow powerful enough to match Axel when sparring.  On the sixty-eighth day since Roxas joined, the two together manage to overwhelm Axel during a training session for the first time, though each of the two kids ends up just as exhausted as their superior officer in the process.
  • Roxas and Xion's combat training is complete, and they attend Vexen's classes.  On the hundredth day since Roxas joined, the two are moved from combat training under Axel to Fangirl education under Vexen.  When Vexen nearly reveals the Fangirl Disconnection Project to the class, Xion begins to have suspicions that she is the one he was talking about who was disconnected before Fangirlization could occur. 
  • Estera joins Organization XIII.


  • Ansem finally perfects the machinery required to mass-produce Keyblades and begins recruiting larger numbers of Keybearers than ever before.
  • Xion goes missing.  On the one hundred and sixty-fourth day since Roxas joined, Xion suddenly goes missing, stealing various supplies from the Organization's storerooms early in the morning before anyone else had awakened and then vanishing off down the mountainside to parts unknown.
  • Xion returns and clashes with Roxas.  After two weeks of searching both inside the base and beyond it, Xion abruptly returns to the base on her own, wearing a tattered cloak and appearing to be in pretty rough shape.  After she seriously wounds Xigbar with a surprise attack, Roxas confronts her about this random act of violence and reluctantly ends up locked in battle with his friend.  Unable to bring her back to sanity through words, Roxas is forced to mortally wound her, and as he holds her in his arms her body vanishes into green light, leaving only her tattered cloak behind.
  • Tundo joins Organization XIII.
  • Vi joins Organization XIII.
  • Roxas becomes Number Thirteen.
  • Zagan learns how to transport himself into the Internet using a modified cellphone and first encounters the Fangirl Queen.
  • Banbu joins Organization XIII.
  • Mæja joins Organization XIII. 
  • Donny joins Organization XIII. 


  • Roxas, Vi, Banbu, and Tundo are sent out on their first ever extermination mission.  With the three non-numbered members having completed their training, they are finally sent on their first extermination mission alongside Roxas (who had been put on hold from such missions for several months after the incident with Xion) and Lexaeus.  Roxas clashes with a powerful Yaoinator Fangirl variant, and ends up seriously injured, seemingly on the brink of death... until he suddenly reawakens, displaying a surge of power and destroying the Fangirl.  Afterward, however, he only remembers seeing Xion's eyes flash in front of him before passing out.
  • Files go missing from the Fangirl Detection System.  When attempting to analyze the data on Roxas' unexpected power surge during the Fangirl swarm earlier that day, Vexen and Lexaeus discover that the files -- backups and all -- have been completely wiped from the system.  An investigation begins into this immediately, and the Fangirl Detection System room is sealed off from all unauthorized entry by one of Xemnas' barriers.
  • Kisaki joins Organization XIII.  Encountering the group after fleeing from a horde of Fangirls in the middle of Las Vegas, Kisaki asks if she can join and -- after talking it over a bit -- Zexion and Axel agree to give her a chance.  She is assigned to Zexion for training, and during her first day proves herself to be an effective enough fighter to begin Zero Gear training.  However, she overloads her Zero Gear (much like Demyx did years before), causing a massive explosion that blows a hole through the wall of the training room.
  • The cause of Roxas' power surges is discovered.Vexen, Marluxia, and Zexion manage to trigger a second power surge from Roxas through the use of Zexion's illusions, and soon afterward learn that they are caused by Xion, who attached her soul to Roxas' body rather than dying seven months earlier.
  • Roxas begins meditation training in order to communicate with Xion.
  • The Organization learns of the existence of the Keybearers.


  • Andrina joins Organization XIII.
  • Roxas is captured by Zagan and brought into the center of the Internet.  The Organization immediately begins a full-scale investigation into his disappearance, but comes up empty even after searching all of Japan over the following week.
  • Luxord and Larxene confront a gang boss who claims to be holding Roxas hostage.
    After handily disarming the thugs and sending them running in fear with a brief display of their powers, the two Organization members discover that the hostage is not Roxas at all but Ven, who had been staying in a nearby hotel with Terra and Aqua and was caught by the thugs when he was not carrying his Keyblade.
  • The first Fanboys are created from cocoon-like pods in the depths of the Internet.
  • Yoshi joins Organization XIII.
  • Larxene catches Zagan, Irael, and D'aal in the act of betraying the Organization.  She attempts to halt the progress of the traitors before they can leave the base, but is overwhelmed by their combined strength and sustains several major injuries.
  • Vexen begins repairing and researching the cellphone Zagan dropped during his escape.
  • Zagan, Irael, and D'aal join the Keybearers. 
  • Xemnas leaves the base to do battle against the Fangirls for the first time in years.  After an unusually powerful Crossover Fangirl summons a duplicate of the Superior during a clash against Demyx and several non-numbered members, the real Xemnas is forced to come to their aid, eventually defeating both his double and the Fangirl that created it.
  • Swarms of Fanboys are unleashed upon the world for the first time.  The Keybearers are the first to confront them, losing a rank-and-file member named Anderson to a surprise attack but managing to clear out the rest.
  • Members of Organization XIII meet members of the Keybearers for the first time.  When both groups arrive to wipe out the same Fanboy swarm, Vexen and his trainees Estera and Slobodan end up clashing with Keyblade Master Ignis and a lower-ranking young Keybearer named Riku.  When Ignis' Keyblade deactivates due to battery drain caused by overuse of its transformations, Vexen takes advantage of his moment of hesitation and defeats him using his recently-developed Freeze Prison technique.
  •  Vexen cracks the security measures on Zagan's phone, giving the Organization Internet-transport capabilities for the first time.
  • Sora joins the Keybearers.
  • Riku and Sora undergo the Mark of Mastery exam.  Both boys reach the final test, but while Riku passes, Sora panics at the sight of the simulation room's "evil Riku" and nearly breaks down, having to be removed from the simulation room by the Elementals.  Near the end of his own test, Riku unexpectedly awakens powers similar to those used by Organization XIII.
  • In a moment of clarity, Chinatsu Arakaki leaves a coded message for the Organization, disguising it as angsty poetry.
  • Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, and Marluxia enter the Internet to retrieve RoxasAfter managing to trace Zagan's path to the center of the Internet, they do battle with the Uber-Fangirls, emerging victorious after switching places so as to match themselves up with the opponent best suited for their powers.  Removing Roxas from the Internet's core, they are trapped by a massive Fangirl swarm that they have difficulty facing in their worn-out condition; it is only through Xion's ability to open Internet portals from within Roxas' body that they manage to escape.
  • Vexen discovers that the Hater Fanboy he had captured has gone missing.  Powerful Fangirl energy signatures lingering in the room even days after its disappearance suggest that it was freed by a stronger Fangirlish entity, leading Vexen and Zexion to suspect that they have somehow infiltrated the Organization. 
  • Zagan builds a Fangirl Detection System for the Keybearers. 


  • A powerful Highschooler Fangirl transforms the Organization's base into "Thirteenth District High."  Zexion, Roxas, Xigbar, and Naminé soon begin to suspect that something is off about the school, and investigate, with Naminé revealing that everyone's memory has been altered and repairing Roxas' memories (since he has so few to begin with and thus can be returned to normal more quickly.)  Eventually, the Highschooler Fangirls make their appearance, with Roxas dealing with four ordinary ones and then an especially powerful one that seems to blur the lines between a standard Fangirl variant and one of the Uber-Fangirls.
  • During a scan of the base intended to reveal the infiltrator, Kisaki goes into a trance and begins emitting a powerful aura of Fangirlism.  Seeking out Yoshi and attempting to kill him due to the discovery that Fanboys are not connecting to the hivemind, she is interrupted by several non-numbered members.  Afterward, she is placed in a cell by Vexen, Lexaeus, and Zexion in order to prevent something like that from happening again while they investigate the cause.
  •  While investigating in a suburban area of Nevada, Vexen, Zexion, and Estera meet Squall Leonhart's group.  After a brief clash due to the freelance Fangirl-fighters not knowing who the newcomers to their area were, the Organization learns about Chinatsu Arakaki and what happened to her.
  • Kisaki goes on another rampage.  After near-effortlessly defeating Reid Klavier and killing Yoshi, she clashes briefly with Roxas before the battle is interrupted by Xaldin's arrival.  As Roxas escapes with the mortally-wounded Yoshi, the battle between Kisaki and Xaldin escalates, wrecking rooms and hallways as they repeatedly trade blows.  Just when it seems Xaldin has won, Kisaki emits a surge of power and then encloses them both in some sort of bizarre other-dimensional space which even Xigbar cannot penetrate.  The fight continues; in the end, the injuries caused by Xaldin's whirlwind of a hundred spears push Kisaki's regenerative capabilities so far that the Fangirl Queen is too distracted by repairing her body to keep Chinatsu Arakaki's soul from reclaiming it.  With the Fangirl Queen forced out of Chinatsu's body at last, she thanks Xaldin for his help and passes out as the barriers around them fade and they are returned to the hallway where the fight began.
  • Fangirls and Fanboys begin to fight against each other, the Fangirls attempting to wipe out their male equivalents.
  • Zagan undergoes the Mark of Mastery exam and earns his own specialized armor and Keyblade.
  • During what would be a routine mission, Axel, Roxas, and Demyx meet the Keybearers and clash with them once again.  After Axel and Demyx clear out the Fangirl swarm from the upper floors, they encounter Zagan, who has now become a Keyblade Master and wields an incredibly powerful Keyblade.  On the bottom floor, Roxas clears his own share of the swarm and heads to the second floor, where he ends up locked in battle with Sora.  Eventually, Roxas calls upon a large amount of Xion's power in order to defeat Sora, while Zagan's battle with Axel and Demyx is interrupted by his Keyblade running out of battery power, forcing him to retreat when Riku arrives on his Keyblade-glider as backup.
  • Delving into his inner world via meditation, Roxas discovers that the island-like appearance it once took has changed.  Xion informs him that things have been this way ever since his period of captivity within the center of the Internet.  Soon afterward, Naminé discovers that he can no longer remember sea-salt ice cream, which Marluxia had recalled the boy mentioning as being his favorite in his earlier days with the Organization.
  • Vexen begins research on the two Keyblades captured during the Organization's last clash with the Keybearers.
  • Trespassing in the top-secret Keyblade manufactory, Zagan learns the secret behind the weapons' power source.  Shortly afterward, he begins tampering with his own Keyblade, modifying it to be capable of absorbing the elemental powers of Organization members in addition to its standard function of drawing in the green flashes of energy that appear when a Fangirl dies.
  • During a Fangirl swarm in Russia, the Organization and Keybearers clash once again.  Clearing a path through the Fangirls, Reid and Tundo soon encounter Zagan and go on the offensive.  After one of Reid's attacks is blocked by Riku, Zagan leaves the battlefield to seek out a rematch with Axel, leaving Riku and the lower-ranking Keybearers to deal with the two non-numbered members in his place.  Upon hearing that Sora is among the Keybearer group, Roxas worries for Reid and Tundo's safety and heads off to help them out, leaving Axel to face off with Zagan alone.  Draining Riku's power, Sora ascends to an even stronger form than the one he had used in his previous clash with Roxas.  Axel manages to overload Zagan's Keyblade battery, destroying the weapon, but has depleted almost all of his own power in the process and falls unconscious.
  • Fleeing from the scene of his battle with Axel, Zagan comes across Sora and reveals to him his true nature -- the greatest of the Fanboys, created in Roxas' likeness.  This triggers a breakdown which transforms Sora into a bizarre, red-eyed creature shrouded in blackness, wildly attacking the Organization members with a level of strength that even his previous transformations did not reach.  After being struck by a few of the Organization members' attacks, Sora reveals a bizarre new power -- as he shrieks in rage and pain, insect-like creatures spawn from the pools of blackness spreading outward from his position.  Reid is soon injured by a surprise attack from Sora, while Tundo, enraged at his afro being damaged, manages to draw upon a previously-untapped store of power and briefly overwhelms his opponent before he too is knocked out of the battle.  With everything left up to Roxas now, Xion comes up with a plan -- Roxas grabs onto Sora's hands, allowing Xion's draining powers to siphon off some of Sora's overflowing energy and forming a connection between the two of them much like the one Roxas and Xion form when sharing power during battleThrough this connection, Xion speaks to Sora directly and reveals that she knows exactly how he feels and tells him that it's his choice who and what he is, not Zagan's or the Fangirl Queen's or anyone else's.  Finally returning to sanity, his bizarre transformation ends and he and Roxas both collaspe on the street, completely drained.
  • Three days after the previous battle, Sora finally awakens in one of the Organization's holding cells.   Determining him to be no threat to them, Organization XIII takes him into their care; while he is not required to officially become a member, they cannot allow him to return to the Keybearers and risk falling back into Zagan's hands.
  • Naminé begins to work with Sora and Roxas, planning on gradually returning Roxas' memories to where they belong.
  • Upgraded Keyblades, based on Zagan's energy-absorbing design, begin to be distributed among the ranks of the Keybearers.
  • Roxas is assigned to train Sora, despite the latter not yet officially becoming a member of the Organization.
  • Ansem catches Zagan trespassing in the Keyblade manufactory.  Attempting to reason with him at first, the old man soon realizes that Zagan has fully betrayed the Keybearers and draws his Keyblade on him instead.  He is disarmed and then run through with his own weapon, with Zagan leaving through the Internet moments later.
  • Zagan, wielding his own Keyblade and four stolen ones, backstabs the Fangirl QueenUsing the modified Keyblades' energy-absorbing ability, he drains the Fangirl Queen's power from her and causes it to flow into himself, forcibly seizing control over the forces of Fangirlism.
  • Shortly after passing on leadership of the Keybearers to the Elementals, Ansem succumbs to the Keyblade wound in his chest.
  • Vexen begins work on a "cure" for Fangirlism using samples of Sora's energy
  • Zagan, having taken over the Fangirl Queen's position, extends his reach into the physical world... starting with the Organization's baseFangirls suddenly appear in the base from countless entry points -- emerging from the base's security system, which had been rigged by Zagan to provide an adequate Internet connection for them before he left.  Xemnas orders an evacuation, and the various Organization members flee in whatever way they can... while their leader stays behind and confronts the four Uber-Fangirls all at once.
  • The sky begins to turn green as Fangirl territory within the Internet begins to expand outward into the physical world.
  • Uber-Fangirls seek out the escaping Organization XIII members.  Xaldin quickly dispatches Ekaki Kurui before she can become a threat, while Demyx briefly clashes with Nitsugi Sousaku and Larxene flees at top speed from Tenkyou Shikeiro.  In the tunnels beneath the base, Lexaeus, Otonashi, and Michiko are forced into battle against Nama Ryokouki and newcomer Uchino Shoko, with Lexaeus defeating his Uber-Fangirl rival a second time and the two non-numbered members narrowly managing a victory of their own with some help from Roberto.  Demyx manages to escape from the area under the green sky, but Xigbar soon appears and picks a fight with the Uber-Fangirl in his place.  This fight is eventually interrupted by the arrival of Tenkyou Shikeiro, unable to pursue Larxene as she runs outside the bounds of the green sky, and Xigbar teleports away rather than attempting to defeat two Uber-Fangirls at once.

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