Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Elemental Power: Sound                  
Weapon: Hammer
Trained Under: Xaldin              

     Tundo Rowe is a non-numbered member of Organization XIII.  He was assigned to Xaldin for training shortly after recruitment, rapidly gaining power under the elven warrior's watch and rising into the ranks of the strongest non-numbered members the Organization has within less than a year of joining.

     Tundo stands out quite a bit from his fellow Organization members in size and shape, being rather short (standing only 5 feet 6 inches in height) and quite a bit overweight, unlike nearly all other members.  His hair also stands out, being an enormous afro haircut which can make him appear to be much taller than he actually is due to its sheer size.  He's quite attached to his 'fro, putting a lot of effort into maintaining it and flying into a rage whenever it happens to be damaged.

     As is often the case with non-numbered members, Tundo has taken after his superior officer in several ways -- he is a powerful warrior, but quick to crack a joke in a non-serious situation and prone to worrying about the safety of his comrades perhaps a bit more than he should.  Unlike Xaldin, however, Tundo worries about his own safety as much or more than that of others -- at times he almost seems to border on cowardly.  In his earlier months with the Organization he would go to absurd extremes (such as rushing into a bathroom as the Fangirl alarm went off) to avoid being sent into battle against the Fangirls, only finally being assigned his first extermination mission in September of 2006 alongside fellow recent recruits Vi and Banbu (who had only just completed their training at the time, unlike Tundo who breezed through the required combat training and rapidly grew stronger.)  It seems that his aversion to being sent out on missions has lessened over time, and though he's never the first to volunteer he no longer actively tries to avoid it either.


    Watch this space -- more information is coming soon!

Powers and abilities

Strength: 7.5/10            
Speed: 4.5/10        
Endurance: 7.5/10                
Mastery of Powers: 7/10                                
Combat Skill: 7.5/10                   
Defense: 5.5/10          

     Tundo's elemental power is Sound, allowing him a great deal of control over the volume and other properties of all sorts of sounds around him.  Thanks to this power, his own voice is a weapon -- he has been known to use insults toward his opponents or even a call for help from stronger allies as an attack, getting his message across loud and clear while also sending the unsuspecting victim of his attack flying backward across the room in the process.  He often uses this power in conjunction with physical attacks, causing the sound of a punch or a hammer strike to be amplified to the point where it adds additional force to the blow.  Another side-effect of his power over sound is that he is utterly unfazed by loud sounds that would be unpleasant or even harmful to an ordinary person; even the roar of a jet engine at close range (or any other similarly powerful sound) has no chance of damaging his eardrums or worsening his hearing the way they would for most others.  This immunity also makes it easy for him to pick out voices or other important sounds through background noise, with his powers filtering out the interfering noise in much the same way that Demyx's powers allow him to see clearly through even rapidly-moving water.

    His summoned weapon is a large and rather heavy hammer -- not quite to the extent of Lexaeus' massive weapon, but likely heavier than the weapons of any other Organization XIII member (or at least in the same range as some of the other heavyweights.)  The flat sides of the head are decorated with an engraving of the Organization's emblem, leaving a mark shaped like the symbol within the circle of the impact craters left behind whenever it strikes the ground or some other surface.  On two occasions so far, Tundo has displayed the ability to transform his hammer into an even larger form -- the haft of the weapon extends to a length that gives Tundo tremendous reach all the way around him, and the small weighted tip on the other end expands out to a second hammer head, smaller than the first but still significant.  As of yet he is the only non-numbered member known to have ever achieved a weapon transformation under his own power, though Banbu's weapon changes shape with exposure to the sun.

    While Tundo does not possess any other unusual abilities in addition to his weapon and powers, he does have an incredible amount of physical strength and endurance -- in these areas, he is closer to the numbered members (in fact ranking above all but six in terms of brute strength) than to his non-numbered comrades, though his lack of speed and unfamiliarity with defensive techniques hold him back from the levels of greatness that all but the weakest numbered members can reach.  As even his current level is the result of less than a year's training, however, it's likely that Tundo has plenty of untapped potential left in him.

Special techniques

  • Stun Belch: Tundo lets rip with a massive belch, amplifying the sound so that it sends weaker opponents flying and stuns even those at or above his own level.  Those affected by it may be disoriented for several moments afterward, making it possible for Tundo to follow up with another attack of his own.
  • Mute: By staying still and concentrating with one hand on his hammer and the other held in a "shushing" position, Tundo is capable of totally silencing another person's voice or making some other sound nearby impossible for those further away to hear.  This technique can be used to disable the voice-activated transformation of a Keyblade Master's weapons, silencing their wielder's voice so thoroughly that the Keyblade's microphone cannot detect it.
  • Giant Swing: Tundo spins around with his hammer held outward, smashing any enemy that dares to get too close.  He generally uses this technique when surrounded by large groups that could overwhelm him with speed and numbers if he tried to fight them one at a time.  When his weapon transforms into its stronger two-headed form, this attack becomes even more dangerous -- partly because of the second head and extended reach, but mostly because the boost in power often leads him to continue spinning until he picks up speed and becomes able to rapidly move across the battlefield like a spinning top, smashing anything in his path.
  • Hammerthrow: Tundo spins around at high speeds, then flings his hammer at an opponent like a super-heavyweight boomerang.  The hammer continues to spin as it flies, crushing or knocking aside almost anything in its path, though if a powerful enough opponent manages to catch it in mid-flight (or worse, break it with a strong attack of their own) then chances are that Tundo won't be able to do much more against them -- he puts a great deal of his strength into this move and is usually rather worn-out afterward.

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