Sunday, January 3, 2016

Nitsugi Sousaku

    Nitsugi Sousaku is one of the original four "Uber-Fangirls," abnormally powerful Fangirlish entities that were spawned from the depths of the Internet itself rather than transforming from ordinary people exposed to high levels of Fangirlism.  She refers to herself as "The Fastest Shot in All The Internet," and backs up that claim with a fighting style that revolves entirely around rapid-fire shots so numerous that few could even hope to evade them.

    She is fairly tall and thin, with more human-like proportions than most Fangirls, though her body is closer to the flat-chested standard Fangirl shape than some of her fellow Uber-Fangirls.  She has fairly long light-brown hair and wears something resembling a Japanese school uniform... with the unusual addition of a gunbelt, which has holsters for her two revolvers as well as the magic wands that she uses as her secondary weapons.

    Among the Uber-Fangirls, she is perhaps the most rational and grounded member.  Her only major quirks are her unwavering belief that nobody could ever be fast enough to avoid all of her attacks and her insistence on spinning, posing, and calling out the names of every new attack she introduces to the battle.  As her shots really are incredibly fast and difficult to dodge, however, she is usually capable of getting away with these habits without them causing her too much trouble.  She doesn't handle it well when someone manages to find a method of blocking or avoiding her attacks, quickly becoming flustered and resorting to even more reckless tactics rather than ever changing her fighting style to better suit the sort of opponent she's facing.


     Nitsugi Sousaku spawned from the depths of the Internet some time ago, taking a coherent form when the Fangirlism of a certain fanfiction website reached critical mass.  The abundance of stories using extremely similar (at times near-identical) ideas, very few standing out from the rest and even fewer among the crowd of seemingly-endless sameness being worth reading, developed into her arsenal of weaponry -- all projectile weapons of varying degrees of power, with all of the more powerful ones triggering explosions on impact, with the only real difference between them being appearance and the name she chose to give them.  Having one of the highest Fangirlism levels throughout the Internet, she was soon hand-picked by the Fangirl Queen to serve as one of the guardians of the white orb at its very center.

Powers and abilities

Fangirlism Level: 50

     As mentioned above, Nitsugi Sousaku's powers are focused entirely on rapid-fire projectile attacks, firing countless numbers of identical bursts of energy in hopes that her opponent will be incapable of dodging or blocking enough of them to ever reach her with an attack of their own.  When using her ultimate weapon, she also possesses the ability to set off her projectiles' explosions early, though it seems that she usually doesn't think to do so unless absolutely necessary.  She has very little close-range combat capability, though being a high-level Fangirl she still possesses sharp claws enough physical strength to take on most non-numbered members of Organization XIII without being overwhelmed.  Presumably, she also has at least some of the standard Fangirl abilities such as Internet-based travel, though she doesn't seem to be capable of enlarging her claws or draining energy by touch the way that most lesser Fangirls (and some of her fellow Uber-Fangirls) can.

    Nitsugi Sousaku's only other known power is the ability to sprout a pair of shimmering neon-green wings from the collar on the back of her uniform.  As expected, these wings allow her to fly at high speeds, making her even faster and more difficult to hit than she would be without them.  She has difficulty controlling her flight in small spaces, however, and as such only brings out these wings when fighting in a larger, more open area.

Special techniques 

  • Refraction Donut: Using one of the magic wands she keeps tucked in her utility belt, Nitsugi Sousaku launches rainbow-colored rings of energy at her opponent.  Like her standard shots, these burn on impact, though they're several times larger so they are capable of doing more damage.
  • Two-World Alignment: Using the second of the magic wands usually kept tucked away on her belt, Nitsugi Sousaku launches a barrage of explosive projectiles resembling ringed planets.  The "ring" around these blasts and the "two worlds" mentioned in the attack's name are both referencing the Internet and how it connects to Earth.
  • Two-World Rainbow Revolver: Combining her two magic wands with her revolvers and firing all four together, this is an upgraded form of Two-World Alignment.  This time, the blasts take the form of double-ringed planets, the first ring rainbow-colored like Refraction Donut and the second composed of a rotating stream of the pink star-shaped energy bolts fired by her standard revolvers.
  • Super Ultima Magnum Cannon Blast: Nitsugi Sousaku's ultimate attack.  She pulls out a massive bazooka-like weapon from out of nowhere, firing a barrage of massive neon-green cannonballs at her target which explode with incredible force (enough to send Vexen flying back even when he blocked them with his shield) upon impact.  Though the firing rate of this weapon is not as high as her others due to only having one of them, the sheer power of each blast more than makes up for that.
  • Super Ultima Magnum Cannon Bomb Jump: A new technique she made up on the fly during her brief clash with Xigbar.  To counteract the heightened gravity that was rapidly dragging her to the bottom of the ocean, she aimed her bazooka downward and set off her projectiles' explosions the moment after they left its barrel, propelling herself up with the force of the blasts.

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