Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Image by munette on DeviantArt

Original Name: Unknown              
Elemental Power: Light                         
Weapon: Twin Hooks
Trained Under: Axel                       

Xion is a non-numbered member of Organization XIII, brought into the Organization in the year 2005.  Like the rest of the non-numbered members, her primary job would be to serve as backup to the numbered members on Fangirl-extermination missions and clear out groups of lesser Fangirls while her superiors take on the major threats, though during her time as an active member of the Organization she was not sent on any extermination missions.

She is very young for a member of the Organization -- roughly 15 years of age -- and of Japanese origin, with fairly short black hair and medium-pale skin.  Her most identifying features are her blue eyes, which seem to stand out even more in combination with her hair.

Xion, like Roxas and Xemnas before her, suffered from rather extensive memory loss prior to her induction into the Organization -- so severe in her case that she did not even remember her own name, and was christened with her current name by Xemnas himself.  Unlike many members of the Organization, she does not find Xemnas' presence uncomfortable or unnerving, though she has difficulty opening up to nearly every other adult member, only growing close to Roxas and (to a lesser extent) Axel during her time in the Organization.  She is generally pretty reserved and doesn't talk much, but once someone gets to know her she begins to "come out of her shell" a bit more -- and she will not hesitate to fight to the death to protect those who have fully earned her trust.


     Xion was the subject of what was known as the "Fangirl Disconnection Project," during which Xemnas and Vexen located a young girl somewhere in Japan who had begun to undergo the earliest stages of Fangirlization but had not yet connected with the Fangirl hivemind or physically transformed.  By disconnecting her from the Internet before the process was complete, this experiment created an "incomplete Fangirl" -- a being with Fangirl-like powers (such as the ability to travel through the Internet and drain energy by touch), but retaining her original form and a will of her own.  After discovering that the young girl had not transformed or taken on a Fangirlish mindset, the Organization took her in, with Xemnas introducing her to the general membership under the new name "Xion."

    After officially becoming a member of Organization XIII just seven days after Roxas' own induction, Xion was assigned to Axel for training.  As a result, the two with so much in common -- both suffering from memory loss, both having already taken a new name despite being non-numbered members at the time, both the same age -- quickly formed a strong bond; Xion became one of Roxas' closest friends in the Organization, and he one of her only friends.  Perhaps as a result of her incomplete Fangirl nature, Xion developed powers nearly identical to those of Roxas, with the elemental power of Light and two swords, albeit of a different variety from Roxas' blades.  The two of them constantly competing against each other during training sessions seems to have accelerated their development, causing both of them to rapidly reach the upper levels of power among non-numbered members and making it possible for the two of them fighting together to overwhelm Axel in a sparring match even before their training was officially complete.  Roxas soon began to seek a promotion to the currently-empty Number Thirteen rank (the former Number Thirteen having died in the battle against the very same Fangirl swarm that had demolished Roxas' hometown of Innenjima a month earlier), with Xion insisting that if that happened, she'd have to convince the Superior to add another chair so she could be Number Fourteen.

     Things went in a different direction for Xion when she moved on from combat training to Fangirl education classes taught by Vexen, who came dangerously close to revealing the nature of the Fangirl Disconnection Project to a class which she was attending, only stopped from mentioning any specific details by an intrusion by Xemnas.  Xion caught on to the fact that Vexen's descriptions matched her amnesiac state, however, and became overcome by worries that she might secretly be a Fangirl, the very creature she sought to destroy as a member of Organization XIII.  She began to sneak about the base at night while the other members slept, and eventually managed to somehow discover an early draft of the Fangirl Disconnection Project's report, written in the early days when Xion had just been introduced to the Organization and the older members were not yet sure how the experiment was going to proceed.  Upon finding that there had been a plan to destroy her like any other Fangirl if things went wrong, she panicked and fled from the base on her own without telling anyone, stealing a variety of supplies from the storage vaults and then disappearing overnight.

    The Organization searched the Japanese countryside for her in the days that followed, but eventually she returned on her own -- worn out, in pretty rough shape, and seemingly not in her right mind.  She managed to catch Xigbar off guard with a sudden slash, causing an injury that took him out of the fight before it started, and then clashed with Roxas briefly before eventually being defeated.  Upon seeing her own blood, she snapped out of her addled state, realizing that this meant she couldn't possibly be a Fangirl -- Fangirls lack normal human anatomy and thus don't bleed, they only spray neon-green sparks when injured.  As she lay in Roxas' arms, appearing to be dying, her body was surrounded by a green glow and she vanished.

    Though officially considered to be deceased from that point onward, in fact Xion's soul had remained in the realm of the living, attaching to Roxas as her damaged body faded away.  She dwelled within Roxas for a time, remaining completely dormant until the day of Roxas' first Fangirl-extermination mission.  When Roxas was injured by a powerful Yaoinator Fangirl variant, she suddenly awakened within him and took control of his body, bringing forth a surge of power that let her briefly attack in a blind rage and quickly destroy the Fangirl.  Afterward, she focused her powers onto Roxas' wounds, causing the most serious among them to heal much faster than they would have otherwise.  Investigating the incident, Vexen, Zexion, and Marluxia managed to coax Xion to the surface through the use of illusions combined with a "truth serum" Marluxia had prepared from a mixture of various plants and an infusion of his powers.  After confirming that she did indeed still exist within Roxas, they directed the boy to undergo a program of meditation training, aided by both Xaldin and Marluxia, which eventually allowed him to look inward and communicate with Xion.  After a lot of practice with this method, Roxas and Xion reconnected and Xion began to provide Roxas with boosts of power in battle, significantly increasing his strength as well as providing him with access to her greater mastery of the light-based powers the two of them share.

Powers and abilities

Strength: 4/10      
Speed: 9/10  
Endurance: 5/10          
Mastery of Powers: 6/10                        
Combat Skill: 9/10              
Defense: 8/10       

    Xion's elemental power is Light, which allows her to generate sudden flashes of bright light in order to blind her enemies as well as surrounding her blades with a glow that enhances their cutting power as well as letting them act as a makeshift flashlight in dark places.  She is immune to light-based attacks from others, which also makes it possible for her to see clearly even in extremely bright conditions as well as forcing her clash with Roxas to be an entirely physical battle as neither of their powers would harm the other.  Absorbing light-energy actually heals her, though unfortunately ordinary sources of light (even extremely bright ones) are too weak to have any significant benefit.

    Her weapons are a pair of Chinese-style swords known as "twin hooks," which have hook-like curving tips on the end which allow them to be used in a variety of different ways -- slashing or stabbing like an ordinary sword, catching an opponent's weapon in the "hook" and disarming them, blocking attacks with the guard and then countering with its sharp outer edge, or even linking the two weapons together in order to extend her reach.  Much like Roxas, she is quite skilled with her weapons, though to a somewhat lesser degree.  On the other hand, Xion held a greater degree of mastery over her light-based powers than Roxas, so her fighting style involves a lot more integration between the two than Roxas'.

     As an "incomplete Fangirl," Xion also has access to a variety of Fangirl-like abilities, though she usually prefers not to use them if she has a choice due to her discomfort with the idea of being "part-Fangirl."  Much like a Glomper Fangirl, she is capable of draining energy from her opponents by touch, with the draining effect continuing as long as contact is maintained; it's possible that if she had undergone complete Fangirlization, she would have ended up as a Glomper or some variant of that type.  She is also capable of hearing the voice of the Fangirl Queen in her head on occasion, particularly when the Queen is experiencing strong emotions (either positive or negative) or giving orders to Fangirls nearby.  This partial connection also seems to have given her the ability to sense the presence of Fangirls, perhaps picking up on their hivemind voices despite not being fully integrated into the hivemind herself.  The most useful of her Fangirl-derived powers is the ability to travel through the Internet, which allows her to use any Internet-connected device as a portal to travel into the Internet itself or as a shortcut to move from one device to the next.

Special techniques

  • Dia: A basic light-elemental technique.  Xion fires a beam of concentrated light from one of her swords (or from the palm of her hand, if her swords are not materialized.)
  • Clear Light: Xion creates a bright flash of light from either her hand or the blade of one of her swords, which can either be used to blind enemies or snap her allies out of the various abnormal mental states that Fangirl powers can induce.  When focused through the blade of one or both swords, its effects are enhanced, making it possible to dispel not only mind-altering techniques but some which affect the physical world as well.
  • Strike Raid: Xion throws one of her swords and it spins through the air like a boomerang, returning to her hand afterward.
  • Event Horizon: An attack that she and Roxas developed together, and which both of them use.  Xion charges her weapon with an aura of white light, then rapidly slashes at her opponent many times until the strength- and speed-boosting effect of this aura wears off.  If needed, she can dissipate the energy of this aura early by plunging her blades into the ground, causing one or more destructive pillars of light-energy to erupt from below.
  • Ragnarok: Xion holds out her weapons and charges up a sphere of concentrated golden light, then launches it outward in the form of many thin beams (each resembling a more powerful version of Dia) which streak across the battlefield.  She can fire them all in formation so that they act like a single enormous beam, or she can have them change direction in mid-flight to home in on enemies.
  • X-Discharge: Though not developed until after she shared Roxas' body, this technique is Xion's own, as Roxas himself had no idea what it would do when it was used against a Highschooler Fangirl variant with the ability to read minds and alter memories.  Xion (or Roxas drawing upon her power) charges at the opponent with swords glowing with light, executing a cross-slash which causes the light around them to crystallize into an X shape in the air.  Though flashy, this is in fact merely a distraction -- the actual attack is a single slash from behind that comes afterward, causing the usual cutting damage as well as making the X of semi-solid light-energy shatter into a storm of swirling shrapnel that cuts its target to shreds.

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