Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Image by MathiaArkoniel on DeviantArt
Original Name: Arlene di Guerre
Elemental Power: Lightning               
Weapon: Knives    
Number: Twelve    
Position: --            

Larxene is Number Twelve in Organization XIII, one of the more recent additions to the ranks of the numbered members.  As she has only been with the Organization for a couple years and has not yet found a specific niche to specialize in, her duties mostly consist of routine Fangirl extermination and training any non-numbered members that Xemnas assigns to her, though she will occasionally be sent on other missions where speed and stealth are required.

Larxene is easily identifiable by her hair, which is pale blonde in color and has two "antennae" that stick up and swoop back at all times.  It's unlikely that her hair grows like this naturally, and it may be possible that her electrical powers are used to make it stand up like this at all times rather than something more mundane like hair gel.  Her skin is also fairly light, and she has blue-green eyes.  She is among the smallest in build among adult Organization members, standing at roughly five feet, two inches in height.  Among the numbered members, only the fifteen-year-old Roxas is shorter.  She's fairly muscular by ordinary human standards, though her muscles are compact and springy like a cat's (or like fellow Organization member Axel), built more for speed and flexibility than for brute force and endurance.

Though often (but not always) more serious than many of the other younger members among the Organization, Larxene is still prone to sarcasm and cracking jokes at others' expense.  She is among the most talkative of the Organization during Fangirl-exterminating missions, often snarking at her enemies right before (or right after) finishing them off and bantering back and forth with her comrades as each of them goes about their duty of wiping out the Fangirls.  She has a sadistic streak a mile wide, though since joining the Organization she has mostly been able to rein this in and target these tendencies toward the group's enemies rather than tormenting her fellow members.  At times she is quick to anger, though she won't always show it openly depending on the situation; her trainees, unfortunately, tend to suffer the brunt of her outbursts, particularly Donny Buttafuoco whose misogynistic comments are quick to annoy her.  She has few true friends among the Organization, seeing it more as her new workplace than her new home, though she has opened up a bit more to Marluxia and (interestingly enough) Saix.


    Before her time in the Organization, Larxene went by the name Arlene di Guerre and worked as a hired assassin for an organized crime family in the area of Chicago.  One day, when returning to one of the gang's many buildings to report back and get paid after carrying out another hit on a rival gang leader, she found the group of hardened criminals reduced to angsty, blubbering emo kids, some curled up in the fetal position and listening to whiny music and others attempting (without much success) to cut their own wrists.  Soon after, the cause became clear -- several Emo Fangirls had attacked, and the gangsters had been helpless against their stereotypical-depression-inducing powers.  Freaking out a bit, Arlene ran away and immediately began to look into any leads on what these creatures were, eventually learning that security footage had occasionally caught blurry images of black-cloaked warriors fighting them.  She sought out Organization XIII, and before long she came across Xaldin and was recruited as their newest member.

   Upon being inducted into the Organization, Arlene was assigned to Saix for training, completing the basic combat training rather quickly due to her previous experience and soon learning how to summon her knives and draw upon the most basic aspects of her lightning-based powers.  She soon caught Xemnas' attention and was promoted up to a numbered position, filling the twelfth chair of the thirteen that encircled the group's meeting room; it was around this time that she took on the name Larxene.

Powers and abilities

Strength: 5.5/10   
Speed: 10/10
Endurance: 5.5/10      
Mastery of Powers: 7.5/10                    
Combat Skill: 8/10            
Defense: 4/10     

    Larxene's elemental power is Lightning, which allows her to generate massive amounts of electricity and project it from her body as well as controlling electricity around her.  As with most Organization members, this control over her element also makes her impervious to any damage from electricity, causing shocks that would normally be lethal to become utterly ineffective (or even fun!) for her to be struck by.  Absorbing electricity actually heals her, allowing her to make up for her lack of endurance somewhat by siphoning electricity from nearby sources such as power lines or car batteries.

    In addition to its combat uses, Larxene's power over electricity also has a variety of utility-based uses and is highly effective in pranks.  With just a minor static shock, she is capable of causing obnoxious degrees of static cling or making someone's hair stand on end to ridiculous extents.  More usefully, she can also use tiny portions of her power to recharge various electrical devices and even interfere with radio or wireless signals by generating large amounts of energy near either the source or destination of the signal.
One of Larxene's knives,

    Larxene's summoned weapons are a set of knives resembling kunai, which she usually calls upon eight at a time, holding them between her fingers in both hands so that she can use them almost like a set of metal claws.  She is highly skilled at using these weapons as both close-up and ranged weapons, throwing them at distant opponents as well as stabbing or slashing at anything within arm's length.  She is unique among Organization members in that her very first weapon summoning called forth two copies of her weapon rather than just one, and her ability to summon more and more knives at a time increased rapidly from there as she underwent more of her training.

    On top of her elemental powers and weaponry, Larxene is also incredibly fast, making her difficult for slower opponents to deal with sometimes despite her lack of raw power and inability to take a hit very well.  Opponents on the level of an ordinary armed thug or a low-end Fangirl are helpless to stop her attacks, with the typical criminal's reflexes being too slow to even pull the trigger on a gun before she is already on top of them, likely disarming them with her knives... sometimes literally.  At top speed she becomes invisible to the average person's eye and can even create the illusion of being in multiple places at once through the use of afterimages.  It has been theorized that if Larxene were to train for several more years and develop her powers to their utmost extent, this ability would expand beyond mere afterimages and make it possible for her to generate tangible clones of herself with a combination of sheer speed and electrical manipulation.

Special techniques

  • Thunder: A basic lightning attack.  Larxene raises her hands to the sky and calls down a bolt of electricity upon her target.  Sometimes used by projecting the bolt directly from her hands instead, thought the attack is basically the same either way.
  • Mega Volt: Larxene flings her full set of knives into the ground, then channels a blast of electricity through them.  The result is a series of interlinking electrical blasts which are nearly impossible to avoid if you end up caught in their path.
  • Blade Storm: By running electricity through her knives, Larxene generates a strange electrical current between herself and her opponent.  This electricity holds its victim in place while repeatedly zapping them.
  • Teleport Rush: Larxene uses her incredible speed to get in close to the enemy, then runs circles around them so quickly that she appears to be teleporting from one position to another.  Each time she passes by her target, she slashes them with one or more of her knives.
  • Voltic Rush: An electricity-charged version of Teleport Rush, in which she runs high voltage through her knives before slashing her target.

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